Man pages for bios2mds
From Biological Sequences to Multidimensional Scaling

bios2mds-packageFrom BIOlogical Sequences to MultiDimensional Scaling
col.groupLinks elements in a mmds object to specific groups and colors
difDifference score
disDissimilarity score
export.fastaWrites a MSA file in FASTA format
extract.clusterExtraction of clusters alignments
gpcrPre-analyzed G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) data set
import.fastaReads a file in FASTA format
import.msfReads a multiple sequence alignment file in MSF format
kmeans.runMultiple runs of K-means analysis
mat.difMatrices of difference scores between sequences
mat.disMatrices of dissimilarity scores between amino acid sequences
mmdsMetric multidimensional scaling
mmds.2D.multiPlots the mmds coordinates onto a 2D space
mmds.2D.plotPlots the mmds coordinates onto a 2D space
mmds.3D.plotDisplay the mmds coordinates onto a 3D space
mmds.plotPlots a summary of the mmds results
mmds.projectMetric multidimensional Scaling Projection
random.msaRandom Alignment
scree.plotPlots the eingenvalues of an MDS analysis
sil.scoreSilhouette score
sub.matAmino acid substitution matrices
write.mmds.pdbWrites PDB file
bios2mds documentation built on April 14, 2020, 5:08 p.m.