Man pages for bistablehistory
Cumulative History Analysis for Bistable Perception Time Series

bayes_R2Computes R-squared using Bayesian R-squared approach.
bistablehistory-packageCumulative History Analysis for Bistable Perception Time...
brBinocular rivalry data
br_contrastBinocular rivalry, variable contrast
br_singleblockSingle run for binocular rivalry stimulus
br_single_subjectSingle experimental session for binocular rivalry stimulus
check_fixed_history_parameterEvaluates values for a fixed history parameter
check_normal_priorChecks for validity of values for use as normal distribution...
coef.cumhistExtract Model Coefficients
compute_historyComputes cumulative history for the time-series
cumhist-classClass 'cumhist'.
evaluate_history_initEvaluates validity of initial history values.
evaluate_history_optionEvaluates whether and how to fit a cumulative history...
extract_historyComputes history for a fitted model
extract_history_parameterExtracts a history parameter as a matrix
extract_replicate_term_to_matrixExtract a term and replicates it randomN times for each...
extract_term_to_matrixExtracts a term with one column per fixed or random-level...
fast_history_computeComputes cumulative history
fit_cumhistFits cumulative history for bistable perceptual rivalry...
fixefExtract the fixed-effects estimates
historyefExtract the history-effects estimates
history_mixed_stateExtract values of used or fitted history parameter...
history_parameterExtract values of used or fitted history parameter
history_tauExtract values of used or fitted history parameter tau
kdeKinetic-depth effect data
kde_two_observersMultirun data for two participants, kinetic-depth effect...
loo.cumhistComputes an efficient approximate leave-one-out...
ncNecker cube data
predict.cumhistComputes predicted dominance phase durations using posterior...
predict_historyComputes predicted cumulative history using posterior...
predict_samplesComputes prediction for a each sample.
preprocess_dataPreprocesses time-series data for fitting
print.cumhistPrints out cumhist object
summary.cumhistSummary for a cumhist object
waic.cumhistComputes widely applicable information criterion (WAIC).
bistablehistory documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 5:07 p.m.