
Defines functions make_custom detect_custom make_dummy detect_dummy make_date detect_date make_enum detect_enum make_real detect_real make_int detect_int make_string detect_string detect_type extract_datamodelName remove_non_fields parse_bla read_model

#' @import stringr
read_model = function(blafile){
  bla = readr::read_file(blafile)
  custom_types = read_custom_types(bla)
  bla = parse_bla(bla, custom_types)

parse_bla = function(bla, custom_types){
  bla = clean_model(bla)
  modelname = extract_datamodelName(bla)
  bla = remove_non_fields(bla)
  if(length(bla) == 0) stop('No fields found')

  make_var = function(field){
    type = detect_type(field, custom_types)
           STRING = make_string(field),
           INTEGER = make_int(field),
           REAL = make_real(field),
           ENUM = make_enum(field),
           DATETYPE = make_date(field),
           DUMMY = make_dummy(field),
           CUSTOM = make_custom(field, custom_types),
           stop('Type could not be detected')

  vars = lapply(bla, make_var)
  m = model(modelname, vars)

remove_non_fields = function(bla){
  modelname = str_detect(bla, regex('^DATAMODEL', ignore_case = TRUE))
  FIELDS = str_detect(bla, regex('\\bFIELDS\\b', ignore_case = TRUE))
  ENDMODEL = str_detect(bla, regex('ENDMODEL', ignore_case = TRUE))
  bla[!(modelname | ENDMODEL | FIELDS)]

extract_datamodelName = function(bla){
  datamodel = grep('^DATAMODEL', toupper(bla))
  name = str_match(bla[datamodel], regex('^DATAMODEL (.+)$', ignore_case = TRUE))[2]

detect_type = function(field, custom_types){
  if(detect_string(field)) return('STRING')
  if(detect_int(field)) return('INTEGER')
  if(detect_real(field)) return('REAL')
  if(detect_enum(field)) return('ENUM')
  if(detect_date(field)) return('DATETYPE')
  if(detect_dummy(field)) return('DUMMY')
  if(detect_custom(field, custom_types)) return('CUSTOM')
  stop('No type detected for ', field)

detect_string = function(field){
  regex = regex('^.+:STRING\\[\\d+\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  str_detect(field, regex)

make_string = function(field){
  reg = regex('(^.+):STRING\\[(\\d+)\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  name = str_match(field, reg)[,2]
  width = as.integer(str_match(field, reg)[,3])
  variable_string(name = name, width = width)

detect_int = function(field){
  haakjes_regex = regex('^.+:INTEGER\\[\\d+\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  haakjes = str_detect(field, haakjes_regex)

  range_regex = '^.+:\\d+\\.\\.\\d+$'
  ranges = str_detect(field, range_regex)
  return(ranges | haakjes)

make_int = function(field){
  haakjes_regex = regex('(^.+):INTEGER\\[(\\d+)\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  if(str_detect(field, haakjes_regex)){
    name = str_match(field, haakjes_regex)[,2]
    width = as.integer(str_match(field, haakjes_regex)[,3])

    range_regex = '^(.+):(\\d+)\\.\\.(\\d+)$'
    name = str_match(field, range_regex)[,2]
    start = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,3])
    end = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,4])
    width = max(start, end)
  variable_integer(name = name, width = width)

detect_real = function(field){
  haakjes_regex = regex('^.+:REAL\\[\\d+(?:,\\d+)?\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  haakjes = str_detect(field, haakjes_regex)

  range_regex = '^.+:\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$'
  ranges = str_detect(field, range_regex)
  return(ranges | haakjes)

make_real = function(field){
  haakjes_regex = regex('(^.+):REAL\\[(\\d+)(?:,(\\d+))?\\]$',
                        ignore_case = TRUE)
  if(str_detect(field, haakjes_regex)){
    name = str_match(field, haakjes_regex)[,2]
    width = as.integer(str_match(field, haakjes_regex)[,3])
    decimals = as.integer(str_match(field, haakjes_regex)[,4])
    range_regex = '^(.+):(\\d+\\.(\\d+))\\.\\.(\\d+\\.(\\d+))$'
    name = str_match(field, range_regex)[,2]

    start = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,3])
    end = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,5])
    width = max(start, end)

    startdecs = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,4])
    enddecs = nchar(str_match(field, range_regex)[,6])
    decimals = max(startdecs, enddecs)
  variable_real(name = name, width = width, decimals = decimals)

detect_enum = function(field){
  enum_regex = '^.+:\\((.+)\\)$'
  str_detect(field, enum_regex)

make_enum = function(field){
  name = str_match(field, '^(.*):\\(.*\\)$')[,2]
  labels = str_match(field, '\\((.+)\\)')[,2]
  labels = trimws(unlist(str_split(labels, ',')))
  num_reg = "^(\\w+)\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d+)\\s*\\)\\s*$"
  if (all(str_detect(labels, num_reg))){
    levels = str_match(labels, num_reg)[,3]
    labels = str_match(labels, num_reg)[,2]
    var = variable_enum(name = name, labels = labels, levels = levels)
  } else{
    var = variable_enum(name = name, labels = labels)

detect_date = function(field){
  date_regex = regex('^.+:DATETYPE(?:\\[8\\])?$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  str_detect(field, date_regex)

make_date = function(field){
  date_regex = regex('^(.+):DATETYPE(?:\\[8\\])?$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  name = str_match(field, date_regex)[,2]
  variable_date(name = name, width = 8L)

detect_dummy = function(field){
  dummy_regex = regex('^DUMMY\\[\\d+\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  str_detect(field, dummy_regex)

make_dummy = function(field){
  dummy_regex = regex('^DUMMY\\[(\\d+)\\]$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  width = as.integer(str_match(field, dummy_regex)[,2])
  variable_dummy(width = width)

detect_custom = function(field, custom_types){
  if(is.null(custom_types)) return(FALSE)
  types = model_names(custom_types)
  reg_types = regex(paste(paste0('^.*:', types, '$'), collapse = '|'),
                    ignore_case = TRUE)
  str_detect(field, reg_types)

make_custom = function(field, custom_types){
  if(is.null(custom_types)) stop('no custom types available')
  reg_types = regex('^(\\w+):(\\w+)$', ignore_case = TRUE)
  name = str_match(field, reg_types)[,2]
  type = str_match(field, reg_types)[,3]
  custom_type = get_variable(custom_types, type)
  variable_from_custom(name, custom_type)

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blaise documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:10 p.m.