API for blmeco
Data Files and Functions Accompanying the Book "Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology using R, BUGS and Stan"

Global functions
AICweights Man page Source code
WAIC Man page Source code
anoctua Man page
blackstork Man page
blmeco Man page
blmeco-package Man page
compareqqnorm Man page Source code
cortbowl Man page
crosspoint Man page Source code
dispersion_glmer Man page Source code
ellenberg Man page
frogs Man page
historyplot Man page Source code
loo.cv Man page Source code
mdat Man page
nightingales Man page
ocv Man page Source code
parusmajor Man page
periparusater Man page
pondfrog Man page
pondfrog1 Man page
redstart Man page
resprouts Man page
roostingsiteuse Man page
spermdepletion Man page
survival_swallows Man page
swallowfarms Man page
swallows Man page
triplot.normal.knownvariance Man page Source code
wildflowerfields Man page
wingbowl Man page
yellow_bellied_toad Man page
blmeco documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 5:09 p.m.