
Defines functions dcc

Documented in dcc

dcc <- function(chrono, clim, method = "response", start = -6, end =
                9, timespan = NULL, vnames = NULL, sb = TRUE, boot =
                TRUE, ci = 0.05) {
  month.ids <- c(-1:-12, 1:12)
  errormsg1 <-
    "start and end have to define an interval in [-1, -2, ..., -12, 1, 2, ..., 12]."
  if (!is.element(start, month.ids) || !is.element(end, month.ids) ||
                which(month.ids == start) > which(month.ids == end)) {
                # check start and end dates
  ## climate data dispatcher gets called...
  clim <- climdispatch(clim)                    # properly formatted
                                        # climate data gets returned
                                        # here
  chrono.years <- as.numeric(row.names(chrono)) # get timespan of
                                        # chrono
  clim.years <- sort(unique(clim[, 1])) # get timespan of climate data
  if (chrono.years[1] <= clim.years[1]) {
    overlap <- na.omit(clim.years[match(chrono.years, clim.years)]) # get overlap of timespans
  } else {
    overlap <- na.omit(chrono.years[match(clim.years, chrono.years)])
  if (is.null(timespan)) {
    start.year <- overlap[1]
    end.year <- tail(overlap, 1)
  } else {
    if (start > 0) {
      if (!is.element(timespan[1], overlap) ||
          !is.element(timespan[2], overlap)) {
        errormsg3 <- paste("timespan has to be between ", overlap[1],
                           " and ", tail(overlap, 1),
                           " for start dates in current year.",
                           sep = "")
      } else {
        start.year <- timespan[1]
        end.year <- timespan[2]
    } else {
      if (!is.element(timespan[1], overlap) ||
          !is.element(timespan[2], overlap)) {
        errormsg4 <- paste("timespan has to be between ", overlap[1] +
                           1, " and ", tail(overlap, 1),
                           " for start dates in previous year.", sep = "")
      } else {
        start.year <- timespan[1]
        end.year <- timespan[2]
  if (start < 0 && is.na(match((start.year - 1), clim.years))) { # check if a previous year is available in climatic data; otherwise set start.year + 1
    offset <- 1
  } else {
    offset <- 0
  if (start < 0) { # make sure that data get truncated properly	
    interval.clim <-(start.year - 1 + offset):end.year
    interval.chrono <- (start.year + offset):end.year
  } else {
    interval.clim <-(start.year + offset):end.year
    interval.chrono <- (start.year + 1 + offset):end.year
  if (start*end > 0) {
    no.params <- (dim(clim)[2] -2)*length(start:end)
  } else {
    no.params <- (dim(clim)[2] -2)*length(start:end)-1 # 0 is not counted
  overlap.size <- length(start.year:end.year)
  ## raise error, when window size is smaller than number of params
  if (no.params > overlap.size) {
    win.size.msg <-
      paste("Overlapping time span of chrono and climate records is smaller than number of parameters! Consider adapting the number of parameters to a maximum of ",
            overlap.size, ".", sep = "")
  a <- as.numeric(rownames(chrono)) %in% interval.chrono
  b <- clim[, 1] %in% interval.clim
  chrono.trunc <- chrono[a, 1] # truncate data 
  clim.trunc <- clim[b, ]
  p <- pmat(clim.trunc, start, end, vnames) # call pmat to obtain variable matrix
  METHOD <- match.arg(method, c("response", "correlation"))  # match method argument
  if (METHOD == "response") {
    if (boot) {
      dc <- brf(chrono.trunc, p, sb = sb, vnames = vnames) # call brf to
                                        # calculate bootstrapped
                                        # response function
    } else {
      dc <- nbrf(chrono.trunc, p, vnames = vnames) # call rf for
                                        # non-bootstrapped response
                                        # function
  if (METHOD == "correlation") {
    if (boot) {
      dc <- bcf(chrono.trunc, p, sb = sb, vnames = vnames, ci = ci) # call bcf to
                                        # calculate bootstrapped
                                        # correlation function
    } else {
      dc <- nbcf(chrono.trunc, p, vnames = vnames) # call cf for
                                        # non-bootstrapped correlation
                                        # function
  cat("time span considered:", start.year, "-", end.year, "\n")

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bootRes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 a.m.