check_inputs: Auxiliary Function (not accessible to users) to check if all...

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check_inputsR Documentation

Auxiliary Function (not accessible to users) to check if all arguments put in by the user are correct, and to perform some preliminary calculations.


Auxiliary Function (not accessible to users) to check if all arguments put in by the user are correct, and to perform some preliminary calculations.


check_inputs(data, boot_sqt_test, boot_ur_test, level, bootstrap, B,
  block_length, ar_AWB, union, min_lag, max_lag, criterion, deterministics,
  detrend, steps, do_parallel, cores, data_name)



A T-dimensional vector or a (T x N)-matrix of N time series with T observations to be tested for unit roots. Data may also be in a time series format (e.g. ts, zoo or xts), or a data frame, as long as each column represents a single time series.


Logical indicator whether or not to perform the Bootstrap Quantile Test (⁠TRUE⁠) or not (⁠FALSE⁠).


Logical indicator whether or not to perform the individual ADF Tests (⁠TRUE⁠) or not (⁠FALSE⁠).


Desired significance level of the unit root test.


String for bootstrap method to be used. Options are


Moving blocks bootstrap;


Block wild bootstrap;


Dependent wild bootstrap;


Autoregressive wild bootstrap;


Sieve bootstrap;


Sieve wild bootstrap.


Number of bootstrap replications. Default is 1999.


Desired 'block length' in the bootstrap. For the MBB, BWB and DWB bootstrap, this is a genuine block length. For the AWB bootstrap, the block length is transformed into an autoregressive parameter via the formula 0.01^(1/block_length); this can be overwritten by setting ⁠ar_AWB⁠ directly. If NULL, sets the block length as a function of the time series length T, via the rule block_length = 1.75 T^(1/3).


Autoregressive parameter used in the AWB bootstrap method (⁠bootstrap = "AWB"⁠). Can be used to set the parameter directly rather than via the default link to the block length.


Logical indicator whether or not to use bootstrap union tests (⁠TRUE⁠) or not (⁠FALSE⁠).


Minimum lag length in the augmented Dickey-Fuller regression.


Maximum lag length in the augmented Dickey-Fuller regression.


String for information criterion used to select the lag length in the augmented Dickey-Fuller regression. Options are: ⁠"AIC"⁠, ⁠"BIC"⁠, ⁠"MAIC"⁠, ⁠"MBIC⁠.


Numeric vector indicating the deterministic specification. Only relevant if union = FALSE. Options are (combinations of): 0 - no deterministics; 1 - intercept only; 2 - intercept and trend. If union = FALSE and deterministics = NULL, an intercept is added.


String vector indicating the type of detrending to be performed. Only relevant if ⁠union = FALSE⁠. Options are: ⁠"OLS"⁠ and/or ⁠"QD"⁠ (typically also called GLS). If NULL, set to ⁠"OLS"⁠.


Numeric vector of quantiles to be tested. Default is to test each unit sequentially.


Logical indicator whether bootstrap loop should be executed in parallel. Default is TRUE.


The number of cores to be used in the parallel loops. Default is to use all but one.


Optional name for the data, to be used in the output. The default uses the name of the 'data' argument.

See Also

boot_ur, boot_sqt, boot_fdr

bootUR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:49 a.m.