#' summerizePgmmRJMCMC
#' @param pgmmResList result list from pgmmRJMCMC
#' @param trueCluster true cluster allocation
#' @importFrom mclust adjustedRandIndex
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("fabMix")
#' library("mclust")
#' library("pgmm")
#' library("mvtnorm")
#' library("mcmcse")
#' library("MASS")
#' library("gtools")
#' n <- 50
#' p <- 10
#' q <- 4
#' K <- 10
#' syntheticDataset <- simData(
#' sameLambda = TRUE, sameSigma = TRUE, K.true = K, n = n, q = q, p = p,
#' sINV_values = 1 / ((1:p))
#' )
#' nsim <- 5
#' burn <- 0
#' X <- t(syntheticDataset$data)
#' qnew <- 4
#' Mstep <- 1
#' Vstep <- 1
#' constraint <- c(0, 0, 0)
#' mInit <- 20
#' mVec <- c(1, 20)
#' \donttest{
#' res <- pgmmRJMCMC(X, mInit, mVec, qnew,
#' niter = nsim, burn = burn, constraint = constraint,
#' Mstep = Mstep, Vstep = Vstep
#' )
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' summerizePgmmRJMCMC(res, syntheticDataset$class)
#' }
#' @export
summerizePgmmRJMCMC <- function(pgmmResList, trueCluster = NULL) {
Zalloc <- sumerizeZ(res$ZmatList)
nCluster <- table(sapply(res$ZmatList, function(x) {
nConstraint <- res$constraintList
nConstraint <- listToStrVec(nConstraint)
nConstraint <- table(nConstraint, dnn = "")
sumRes <- list(Zalloc = Zalloc, nCluster = nCluster, nConstraint = nConstraint)
if (!is.null(trueCluster)) {
ari <- adjustedRandIndex(trueCluster, Zalloc)
sumRes$ari <- ari
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