Man pages for bpp
Computations Around Bayesian Predictive Power

basicPlotBasic plot functions to illustrate prior and posterior...
bppBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Normally Distributed...
bpp_1interimBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Normally Distributed...
bpp_1interim_binaryBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Binary Endpoint
bpp_1interim_continuousBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Continuous Endpoint
bpp_1interim_t2eBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Time-to-Event Endpoint
bpp_2interimBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Normally Distributed...
bpp_binaryBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Binary Endpoint
bpp_continuousBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Continuous Endpoint
bpp-packageTools for Computation of Bayesian Predictive Power for a...
bpp_t2eBayesian Predictive Power (BPP) for Time-To-Event Endpoint
estimate_posteriorPosterior density conditional on known interim result
estimate_posterior_nominatorPosterior density conditional on interim result is...
estimate_toIntegrateProduct of posterior density and conditional power for known...
FlatNormalPosteriorIntegrand to compute Bayesian Predictive Power when flat...
interval_posterior_nominatorPosterior density conditional on interim result, only known...
interval_posterior_nominator2Posterior density conditional on two interim results, both...
interval_toIntegrateProduct of posterior density and conditional power for...
interval_toIntegrate2Product of posterior density and conditional power for...
NormalNormalPosteriorNormal-Normal Posterior in conjugate normal model, for known...
post_powerConditional power conditioning on a blinded interim
UniformNormalTailsDensity and CDF for Uniform Distribution with Normal tails
bpp documentation built on Jan. 13, 2022, 5:09 p.m.