lizards: Habitat preferences of lizards

lizardsR Documentation

Habitat preferences of lizards


Habitat preferences of lizards




A data frame with 23 rows and 6 columns:

  • grahami. count of grahami lizards

  • opalinus. count of opalinus lizards

  • height. a factor with levels ⁠<5ft⁠, ⁠>=5ft⁠

  • diameter. a factor with levels ⁠<=2in⁠, ⁠>2in⁠

  • light. a factor with levels sunny, shady

  • time. a factor with levels early, midday, late

The variables grahami and opalinus are counts of two lizard species at two different perch heights, two different perch diameters, in sun and in shade, at three times of day.


McCullagh P, Nelder J A (1989) Generalized Linear Models (2nd Edition). London: Chapman and Hall.

Originally from

Schoener T W (1970) Nonsynchronous spatial overlap of lizards
in patchy habitats.  _Ecology_ *51*, 408-418.

See Also


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