
context('Stan Bridge Sampler Bugs')

test_that("subscript out of bounds error", {
  ## https://github.com/quentingronau/bridgesampling/issues/26
  stan_mod = "
    int M;
    int J;
    int T;
    int E;
    int G;
    int N[G];
    int ii[M];
    int jj[M];
    int gg[M];
    int g_all[sum(N)];
    int y[M];
    matrix[J,J] obs_corr[G];

  transformed data{
    int N_all = sum(N);

    ordered[T] thresholds_raw[G,J];
    matrix<multiplier=5>[E,J] lam[G];
    matrix[N_all,E] eta;
    matrix[N_all,J] ystar_raw;

  transformed parameters {
    ordered[T] thresholds[G,J];

    for(g in 1:G)
      for(j in 1:J)
        thresholds[g,j] = thresholds_raw[g,j] * 5;

    matrix[N_all,J] ystar;
    int pos = 1;

    target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(ystar_raw));
    target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(eta));

    for(g in 1:G){
      int g_ids[N[g]] = segment(g_all,pos,N[g]);
      target += normal_lpdf(to_vector(eta)| 0,5);

      for(j in 1:J)
        target += std_normal_lpdf(thresholds_raw[g,j]);

      ystar[g_ids,] = eta[g_ids,] * lam[g] + ystar_raw[g_ids,];
      pos += N[g];

    for(m in 1:M)
      target += ordered_logistic_lpmf(y[m] | ystar[ii[m],jj[m]],
  # source("tests/testthat/test_dat.txt")

    mod <- stan(model_code=stan_mod,data=test_dat, chains = 2, refresh = 0)

  expect_warning(object = bridge_sampler(mod, silent=TRUE),
                 regexp = "Infinite value in iterative scheme, returning NA.")

test_that("bridge_sampler.stanfit multicore works for one-parameter model.", {


  if (require(rstan)) {

    # compute difference scores
    n <- 10
    y <- rnorm(n)

    # models
    stancodeH0 <- '
    data {
    int<lower=1> n; // number of observations
    vector[n] y; // observations
    parameters {
    real<lower=0> sigma2; // variance parameter
    model {
    target += log(1/sigma2); // Jeffreys prior on sigma2
    target += normal_lpdf(y | 0, sqrt(sigma2)); // likelihood
    # compile models
      stanmodelH0 <- stan_model(model_code = stancodeH0, model_name="stanmodel")
    # fit models
    stanfitH0 <- sampling(stanmodelH0, data = list(y = y, n = n),
                          iter = 10000, warmup = 1000, chains = 4,
                          control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95),
                          refresh = 0)

    ######### bridge sampling ###########
    suppressWarnings(H0 <- bridge_sampler(stanfitH0, cores = 2, silent = TRUE))

    expect_s3_class(H0, "bridge")


test_that("turtle example",{

  if (require(rstan)) {


    ### m1 (model with random intercepts) ###
    m1_code_nc <-
      "data {
        int<lower = 1> nobs;
        int<lower = 0, upper = 1> y[nobs];
        real<lower = 0> x[nobs];
        int<lower = 1> m;
        int<lower = 1> clutch[nobs];
      parameters {
        real alpha0_raw;
        real alpha1_raw;
        vector[m] b_raw;
        real<lower = 0> sigma2;
      transformed parameters {
        vector[m] b;
        real<lower = 0> sigma = sqrt(sigma2);
        real alpha0 = sqrt(10.0)*alpha0_raw;
        real alpha1 = sqrt(10.0)*alpha1_raw;
        b = b_raw*sigma;
      model {
        // priors
        target += -2*log(1 + sigma2); // p(sigma2) = 1/(1 + sigma2)^2
        target += normal_lpdf(alpha0_raw | 0, 1);
        target += normal_lpdf(alpha1_raw | 0, 1);

        // random effects
        target += normal_lpdf(b_raw | 0, 1);

        // likelihood
        for (i in 1:nobs)
        target += bernoulli_lpmf(y[i] | Phi(alpha0 + alpha1*x[i] + b[clutch[i]]));

      stanobject_m1_nc <- stan(model_code = m1_code_nc,
                               data = list(y = turtles$y, x = turtles$x,
                                           nobs = nrow(turtles),
                                           m = max(turtles$clutch),
                                           clutch = turtles$clutch),
                               iter = 10500, warmup = 500, chains = 4,
                               refresh = 0)
    bs_m1_nc <- bridge_sampler(stanobject_m1_nc, method = "warp3",
                               repetitions = 25, silent=TRUE)

  m0_code_nc <-
    "data {
      int<lower = 1> nobs;
      int<lower = 0, upper = 1> y[nobs];
      real<lower = 0> x[nobs];
    parameters {
      real alpha0_raw;
      real alpha1_raw;
    transformed parameters {
      real alpha0 = sqrt(10.0)*alpha0_raw;
      real alpha1 = sqrt(10.0)*alpha1_raw;
    model {
      // priors
      target += normal_lpdf(alpha0_raw | 0, 1);
      target += normal_lpdf(alpha1_raw | 0, 1);

      // likelihood
      for (i in 1:nobs)
        target += bernoulli_lpmf(y[i] | Phi(alpha0 + alpha1*x[i]));

    stanobject_m0_nc <- stan(model_code = m0_code_nc,
                             data = list(y = turtles$y, x = turtles$x,
                                         nobs = nrow(turtles),
                                         m = max(turtles$clutch),
                                         clutch = turtles$clucth),
                             iter = 10500, warmup = 500, chains = 4,
                             refresh = 0)

  bs_m0_nc <- bridge_sampler(stanobject_m0_nc, method = "warp3",
                             repetitions = 25, silent=TRUE)
  expect_equal(bf(bs_m0_nc, bs_m1_nc)$bf, rep(1.27, 25), tolerance = 0.02)

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bridgesampling documentation built on April 16, 2021, 9:07 a.m.