
Defines functions new_brokenstick

#' Class `brokenstick`
#' The main fitting function [brokenstick()] returns an object of class
#' `brokenstick`. This object collects the fitted broken stick model.
#' The package exports S3 methods for the `brokenstick` class for the following
#' generic functions: [coef()], [fitted()], [model.frame()], [model.matrix()],
#' [plot()], [predict()], [print()], [residuals()] and [summary()].
#' The package exports the following helper functions for `brokenstick` objects:
#' [get_knots()], [get_omega()] and [get_r2()].
#' A `brokenstick` object is a list with the following named elements:
#' @section Elements:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{`call`}{Call that created the object}
#'    \item{`names`}{A named list with three elements (`"x"`, `"y"`, `"g"`)
#'    providing the variable name for time, outcome and subject, respectively.}
#'    \item{`internal`}{Numeric vector of with internal knots.}
#'    \item{`boundary`}{Numeric vector of length 2 with the boundary knots.}
#'    \item{`degree`}{The `degree` of the B-spline. See [splines::bs()]. Support
#'    only the values of 0 (step model) or 1 (broken stick model).}
#'    \item{`method`}{String, either `"kr"` or `"lmer"`, identifying the fitting model.}
#'    \item{`control`}{List of control options returned by [set_control()] used
#'    to set algorithmic details.}
#'    \item{`beta`}{Numeric vector with fixed effect estimates.}
#'    \item{`omega`}{Numeric matrix with variance-covariance estimates of the
#'    broken stick estimates.}
#'    \item{`sigma2`}{Numeric scalar with the mean residual variance.}
#'    \item{`sample`}{A numeric vector with descriptives of the training data.}
#'    \item{`light`}{Should the returned object be lighter? If `light = TRUE`
#'    the returned object will contain only the model settings and parameter
#'    estimates and not store the `sigma2j`, `sample`, `data`, `imp` and
#'    `mod` elements.
#'    The light object can be used to predict broken stick estimates for
#'    new data, but does not disclose the training data and is small.}
#'    \item{`hide`}{Should the output for boundary knots be hidden? Can
#'    be `"right"`, `"left"`, `"boundary"`, `"internal"` or `"none"`.
#'    The default is `"right"`.}
#'    \item{`sigma2j`}{Numeric vector with estimates of the residual variance per
#'    group. Only used by method `"kr"`.}
#'    \item{`data`}{The training data used to fit the model.}
#'    \item{`imp`}{The imputations generated for the missing outcome data. Only
#'    for `method = "kr"`.}
#'    \item{`mod`}{For `method = "kr"`: A named list with four components, each of
#'    class [coda::mcmc]. For `method = "lmer"`: An object of class
#'    [lme4::merMod-class].}
#' }
#' @name brokenstick-class
#' @rdname brokenstick-class
#' @author Stef van Buuren 2023
#' @references <doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i07>

new_brokenstick <- function(call = match.call(),
                            names = list(
                              x = character(),
                              y = character(),
                              g = character()
                            internal = numeric(0),
                            boundary = numeric(0),
                            degree = 1L,
                            method = NA_character_,
                            control = list(),
                            beta = numeric(0),
                            omega = numeric(0),
                            sigma2j = numeric(0),
                            sigma2 = numeric(0),
                            light = FALSE,
                            hide = NA_character_,
                            sample = numeric(0),
                            data = numeric(0),
                            imp = numeric(0),
                            mod = list()) {
  result <- list(
    call = call,
    names = names,
    internal = internal,
    boundary = boundary,
    degree = degree,
    method = method,
    control = control,
    beta = beta,
    omega = omega,
    sigma2 = sigma2,
    sample = sample,
    light = light,
    hide = hide
  if (!light) {
    result$sigma2j <- sigma2j
    result$data <- data
    result$imp <- imp
    result$mod <- mod
  class(result) <- "brokenstick"

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brokenstick documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:24 p.m.