

broom.mixed is a spinoff of the broom package. The goal of broom is to bring the modeling process into a "tidy"(TM) workflow, in particular by providing standardized verbs that provide information on

broom.mixed aims to provide these methods for as many packages and model types in the R ecosystem as possible. These methods have been separated from those in the main broom package because there are issues that need to be dealt with for these models (e.g. different types of parameters: fixed, random-effects parameters, conditional modes/BLUPs of random effects, etc.) that are not especially relevant to the broader universe of models that broom deals with.

Mixed-model-specific issues


Time-consuming computations

Some kinds of computations needed for mixed model summaries are computationally expensive, e.g. likelihood profiles or parametric bootstrapping. In this case broom.mixed may offer an option for passing a pre-computed object to tidy(), eg. the profile argument in the tidy.merMod (lmer/glmer) method.

Related packages

There are many, many things one might want to do with a fitted model, and broom.mixed can only do a few of them.

huxtable + broom.mixed

dotwhisker + broom.mixed

dotwhisker is a convenient platform for creating dot-whisker plots - either directly from models or lists of models (tidy() methods are automatically called to convert the models to a tidy format), or from the (possibly post-processed) output of a tidy() call. There are a couple of caveats and issues to be aware of when using dotwhisker in conjunction with broom.mixed, however.

  1. For fixed effects, the group value is set to NA: in the current CRAN version (0.5.0), an unfortunate na.omit() within the dwplot code will eliminate all of the fixed effects unless you drop this column before passing the results to dwplot (this has been fixed in the current GitHub version, which you can install with devtools::install_github("fsolt/dotwhisker")).
  2. In broom.mixed output, it is fairly common for a single tidied model to have duplicated entries in the term column (e.g. effects that appear in both the conditional and the zero-inflated model, or intercept standard deviations for several different grouping variables). dotwhisker::dwplot takes this as evidence that it has been handed a tidied object containing the results from several different models, and asks for a model column that will distinguish the non-unique terms. There are (at least) two strategies you can take:
    • dwplot(list(fitted_model)) will plot all of the non-unique values together
    • tidy(fitted_model) %>% tidyr::unite(term, group, term) will create a new term column that's the combination of the group and term columns (which will disambiguate random-effect terms from different grouping variables); unite(term, component, term) will disambiguate conditional and zero-inflation parameters. The code below shows a slightly more complicated (but prettier) approach. (Some sort of disambiguate_terms() function could be added in a future version of the package ...)
if (require("brms") && require("dotwhisker") && require("ggplot2")) {
    L <- load(system.file("extdata", "brms_example.rda", package="broom.mixed"))
    gg0 <- (tidy(brms_crossedRE)
        ## disambiguate
        %>% mutate(term=ifelse(grepl("sd__(Int",term,fixed=TRUE),
        %>% dwplot
    gg0 + geom_vline(xintercept=0,lty=2)


Automatically retrieve table of available methods:


Manually compiled list of capabilities (possibly out of date):

cc <- read.csv(system.file("capabilities.csv", package="broom.mixed"))
if (require("pander")) {

Try the broom.mixed package in your browser

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broom.mixed documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:35 a.m.