Man pages for bs4Dash
A 'Bootstrap 4' Version of 'shinydashboard'

accordionBootstrap 4 accordion container
actionButtonBootstrap 4 Action button/link
alertCreate a Bootstrap 4 alert on the server side
appButtonAdminLTE2 special large button
app_containerCreate container for bs4Dash demo app
attachmentBlockAdminLTE3 attachment container
badgeCreate a Bootstrap 4 dashboard badge item
boxAdminLTE3 description block
boxDropdownCreate a box dropdown item list
boxLabelCreate a label for Boostrap 4 card
boxLayoutBootstrap 4 container for cards
boxProfileAdminLTE3 card profile
boxSidebarCreate a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card
bs4DashGalleryLaunch the bs4Dash Gallery
calloutCreate a Bootstrap 4 callout
carouselBootstrap 4 carousel
columnBoostrap 4 column system
dashboardBodyBoostrap 4 dashboard body
dashboardBrandAlternative to simple text title
dashboardControlbarCreate a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar
dashboardFooterDashboard Footer
dashboardHeaderBoostrap 4 dashboard navbar
dashboardPageCreate a Boostrap 4 dashboard page
dashboardSidebarCreate a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar
dashboardUserBootstrap 4 user profile.
dropdownDividerCreate a box dropdown divider
dropdownHeaderDropdown header helper
dropdownMenuBoostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu
dropdownMenuOutputCreate a dropdown menu output (client side)
findSidebarItemInternally used by sidebarMenu to find treeview items and...
getAdminLTEColorsGet all AdminLTE colors.
infoBoxBoostrap 4 info box
insertTabInsert a tabPanel in a tabsetPanel
ioniconBS4 ionicons
jumbotronBS4 jumbotron for AdminLTE3
listgroupBS4 list group for AdminLTE3
loadingAdminLTE3 loading state element
menuItemOutputCreate a sidebar menu item output (client side)
menuOutputCreate a dynamic menu output for bs4Dash (client side)
navbarDropdownBuild navbar dropdown for navigation
navbar-menuNavbar tab item
paginationBootstrap 4 pagination widget
popoverCreate a Bootstrap 4 popover from the UI side
productListAdminLTE3 product list container
progressAdminLTE3 progress bar
quoteBoostrap 4 block quote
renderMenuCreate dynamic menu output (server side)
ribbonBoostrap 4 ribbon
sidebarMenuOutputCreate a sidebar menu output (client side)
skinSelectorAdminLTE3 skin selector
socialBoxAdminLTE3 social card
sortableBS4 sortable section
starsAdminLTE3 stars
tabBoxCreate a Boostrap 4 tabCard
tableBoostrap 4 table container
tabsetPanelCreate a tabsetPanel
tagAssertAssert that a tag has specified properties
timelineAdminLTE3 timeline block
toastCreate an adminLTE toast
tooltipCreate a Bootstrap 4 Tooltip from the UI side
useAutoColorPlot auto-color module
userBoxAdminLTE3 widget user card
userListAdminLTE3 user list container
userMessageAdminLTE3 user message container
userPostAdminLTE3 user post
userPostMediaAdminLTE3 user post media
validColorsValid colors
validNuancesValid nuances
validStatusesValid statuses
validStatusesPlusValid statuses extra
valueBoxCreate a value box (server side)
bs4Dash documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:46 p.m.