

## Source 

# ==============================================================================
# General tests 
# ==============================================================================
test_that("No data/model provided causes an error", {
    csem(.model = model)
    csem(.data = dat)

# ==============================================================================
# DGPs
# ==============================================================================
### DGP_linear_2commonfactors --------------------------------------------------
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_linear_2commonfactors.RData")

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), 
                     Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)

## Test
test_that("DPG_linear_2commonfactors is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)

### DGP_linear_2composites =====================================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_linear_2composites.RData")

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), 
                     Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
weights  <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Weight_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Weights)

## Test
test_that("DPG_linear_2composites is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(weights$Estimate, weights$Pop_value)

### DGP_linear_3commonfactors ==================================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_linear_3commonfactors.RData") 

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(300, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), 
                     Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
# (19.05.2020) - Temporarily remove "bartlett" as lavaan 0.6.6 has a bug; the
#                bug is fixed in the development version and from 0.6.7 onwards
#                Uncomment once 0.6.7 is available.
for(i in c("PLS-PM", "GSCA", "SUMCORR", "MAXVAR", "MINVAR", "GENVAR", "PCA",
           "unit", "regression")) {
# for(i in c("PLS-PM", "GSCA", "SUMCORR", "MAXVAR", "MINVAR", "GENVAR", "PCA",
#            "unit", "bartlett", "regression")) {
  ## - "SSQCOR" is excluded as it is rather unstable, regularily producing differences
  ##   between estimate and population value larger than 0.01.

  res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma, .approach_weights = i, 
               .dominant_indicators = c("eta1" = "y11", "eta2" = "y21", "eta3" = "y31"))
  ## Comparison
  path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
  loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
  ## Test
  # Note: the tolerance is necessary since Croon correction requires a CFA (i.e. ML estimation)
  # which is only consistent (i.e. will not exactly reproduce the population
  # values for a finite sample size)
  # Similarly for GSCAm.
  test_that(paste("Weighting approach", i, "yields correct results"), {
    expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.01)
    expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.01)
  # Export to Excel test
  exportToExcel(assess(res), .filename = paste0("test_assess_", i, ".xlsx"),
                .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
  exportToExcel(summarize(res), .filename = paste0("test_summarize_", i, ".xlsx"),
                .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
  exportToExcel(predict(res, .handle_inadmissibles = "ignore"), .filename = paste0("test_predict_", i, ".xlsx"),
                .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
  exportToExcel(testOMF(res, .R = 10), .filename = paste0("test_testOMF_", i, ".xlsx"),
                .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")

### DGP_linear_3compostites ====================================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_linear_3composites.RData") 

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(300, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), 
                     Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
for(i in c("PLS-PM", "GSCA", "SUMCORR", "MAXVAR", "MINVAR", "GENVAR")) {
  ## - "SSQCOR" is excluded as it is rather unstable, regularily producing differences
  ##   between estimate and population value larger than 0.01.
  ## - "PCA" is excluded as weights obtained by PCA are not population weights but 
  ##   simply the first principal component of S_jj.
  ## - "unit" is excluded as unit weights are inconsitent "estimates" for the
  ##   population weights (weights are simply set to 1 and scaled).
  ## - "bartlett" and "regression" are excluded as they are not meaningful 
  ##   for models containing concepts modeled as composites
  res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma, .approach_weights = i, 
               .dominant_indicators = c("eta1" = "y11", "eta2" = "y21", "eta3" = "y31"))
  ## Comparison
  path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
  loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
  weights  <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Weight_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Weights)
  ## Test
  test_that(paste("Weighting approach", i, "yields correct results"), {
    expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.001)
    expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.001)
    expect_equal(weights$Estimate, weights$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.001)

### DGP_2ndorder - Common factor of common factors =============================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_2ndorder_cf_of_cfs.RData")  

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)

## Reorder to match estimate and population value
l1 <- loadings[, c("Pop_value", "Pop_value_name")]
l1 <- l1[c(15:17,1:14,18:23), ]
loadings <- cbind(loadings[, 1:2], l1)

## Test
test_that("DPG_2ndorder_cf_of_cfs is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)

# Export to Excel test
exportToExcel(summarize(res), .filename = "test_summarize", .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
exportToExcel(assess(res), .filename = "test_assess", .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
exportToExcel(testOMF(res, .R = 20), .filename = "test_testOMF", .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
exportToExcel(assess(res), .filename = "test_assess", .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")
exportToExcel(assess(res), .filename = "test_assess", .path = "../test_results_exportToExcel")

### DGP_2ndorder - Common factor of composites =================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_2ndorder_cf_of_composites.RData")  

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
weights  <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Weight_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Weights)

## Reorder to match estimate and population value
l1 <- loadings[, c("Pop_value", "Pop_value_name")]
l1 <- l1[c(15:17,1:14,18:23), ]
loadings <- cbind(loadings[, 1:2], l1)

## Test
test_that("DPG_2ndorder_cf_of_composites is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(weights$Estimate, weights$Pop_value)

### DGP_2ndorder - Composite of common factors =================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_2ndorder_composite_of_cfs.RData")  

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
weights  <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Weight_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Weights)

## Reorder to match estimate and population value
l1 <- loadings[, c("Pop_value", "Pop_value_name")]
l1 <- l1[c(15:17,1:14,18:23), ]
loadings <- cbind(loadings[, 1:2], l1)

## Test
test_that("DPG_2ndorder_composites_of_cfs is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value, tolerance = 0.01)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(weights$Estimate, weights$Pop_value)
### DGP_2ndorder - Composite of composites =====================================
# Loads Sigma, models and population values
load(file = "../data/DGP_2ndorder_composite_of_composites.RData")  

## Draw data
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(200, rep(0, nrow(Sigma$Sigma)), Sigma = Sigma$Sigma, empirical = TRUE)

## Estimate
res <-  csem(dat, model_Sigma)

## Comparison
path     <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Path_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Path_coefficients)
loadings <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Loading_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Loadings)
weights  <- comparecSEM(res, .what = "Weight_estimates", pop_params_Sigma$Weights)

## Reorder to match estimate and population value
l1 <- loadings[, c("Pop_value", "Pop_value_name")]
l1 <- l1[c(15:17,1:14,18:23), ]
loadings <- cbind(loadings[, 1:2], l1)

## Test
test_that("DPG_2ndorder_composites_of_composites is correctly estimated", {
  expect_equal(path$Estimate, path$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(loadings$Estimate, loadings$Pop_value)
  expect_equal(weights$Estimate, weights$Pop_value)

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cSEM documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 1:05 a.m.