
Defines functions sample.split

Documented in sample.split

# caTools - R library                                                       #
# Copyright (C) 2005 Jarek Tuszynski                                        #
# Distributed under GNU General Public License version 3                    #

sample.split = function( Y, SplitRatio = 2/3, group = NULL ) 
{ # Split data from vector Y into 2 bins in predefined ratio while preserving relative retios of
  # different labels in Y.
  # if (0<=SplitRatio<1) then "SplitRatio" fraction of points from Y will go to bin 1
  # if (1<=SplitRatio)   then "SplitRatio" number   of points from Y will go to bin 1
  # Returns logical vector of the same length as Y marking points to be added to bin 1
  nSamp  = length(Y)                  # number of sample labels
  nGroup = length(group)
  if (nGroup>0 && nGroup!=nSamp) 
    stop("Error in sample.split: Vectors 'Y' and 'group' have to have the same length")
  BinOne = logical(nSamp)             # boolean mask of samples in bin #1 set to false
  SplitRatio = abs(SplitRatio)        # make sure split ratio is positive
  if (SplitRatio>=nSamp) 
    stop("Error in sample.split: 'SplitRatio' parameter has to be i [0, 1] range or [1, length(Y)] range")
  U = unique(Y)                       # unique labels
  nU = length(U)                      # how many different labels?
  if (2*nU>nSamp | nU==1) {           # single label or most are different
    n = if(SplitRatio>=1) SplitRatio else SplitRatio*nSamp # how many samples will be in the first bin?
    rnd = runif(nSamp)                # get "nSamp" random numbers
    if (nGroup) split(rnd, group) <- lapply(split(rnd, group), mean)
    ord = order(rnd)                  # order them 
    BinOne[ord[1:n]] = TRUE   # and n idx samples will be remarked as true (bin 1)
  } else {                            # few different labels
    rat = if(SplitRatio>=1) SplitRatio/nSamp else SplitRatio
    for( iU in 1:nU) {                # for each label...
      idx = which(Y==U[iU])           # find samples that have it
      n   = round(length(idx)*rat)    # how many samples will be in the first bin?
      rnd = runif(length(idx))        # get random numbers
      if (nGroup) {
        grp = group[idx]              # get group labels of current subset of labels
        split(rnd, grp) <- lapply(split(rnd, grp), mean)
      ord = order(rnd)                # order them       
      BinOne[idx[ord[1:n]]] = TRUE    # and n idx samples will be remarked as true (bin 1)
  if (SplitRatio>=1) {            # if user selected actual number not ratio
    n = sum(BinOne)-SplitRatio    # how many extra points do we have in bin 1?
    if (n>0)      BinOne[sample(which( BinOne), n)] = FALSE # move  n points from bin 1 to 2
    else if (n<0) BinOne[sample(which(!BinOne),-n)] = TRUE  # move -n points from bin 2 to 1
  return( BinOne )

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caTools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:06 p.m.