
Defines functions cams_get_radiation cams_get_mcclear cams_parse

Documented in cams_get_mcclear cams_get_radiation

#' Retrieve CAMS solar radiation data
#' @param lat Latitude, in decimal degrees. Required
#' @param lng Longitude, in decimal degrees. Required
#' @param date_begin Start date as 'yyyy-mm-dd' string. Required
#' @param date_end End date as 'yyyy-mm-dd' string. Required
#' @param alt Altitude in meters, use -999 to let CAMS decide. Default -99
#' @param time_step Aggregation: 'PT01M' for minutes, 'PT15M' for 15 minutes,
#'   'PT01H' for hourly, 'P01D' for daily, 'P01M' for monthly. Deafult 'PT01H'
#' @param verbose TRUE for verbose output. Default "FALSE"
#' @return A data frame with requested solar data
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Get hourly solar radiation data
#' df <- cams_get_radiation(
#'   lat=60, lng=15,
#'   date_begin="2016-06-01", date_end="2016-06-15")
#' head(df)
#' # Get daily solar radiation data
#' df <- cams_get_radiation(
#'   lat=60, lng=15,
#'   date_begin="2016-06-01", date_end="2016-06-15",
#'   time_step="P01D")
#' head(df)
#' }
#' @export
cams_get_radiation <- function(
  lat, lng, date_begin, date_end,
  time_step="PT01H", alt=-999, verbose=FALSE) {

  r <- cams_api(lat, lng, date_begin, date_end,
                alt, time_step=time_step,
                filename = tempfile())
  if(r$ok==FALSE) stop(r$response, call. = FALSE)

#' Retrieve McClear clear sky solar radiation data
#' @inheritParams cams_get_radiation
#' @return A data frame with requested solar data
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' df <- cams_get_mcclear(
#'   lat=60, lng=15, date_begin="2016-01-01", date_end="2016-01-15")
#' print(head(df))
#' }
#' @export
cams_get_mcclear <- function(
  lat, lng, date_begin, date_end,
  time_step="PT01H", alt=-999, verbose=FALSE) {

  r <- cams_api(lat, lng, date_begin, date_end,
                alt, time_step=time_step,
                filename = tempfile())
  if(r$ok==FALSE) stop(r$response, call. = FALSE)

#' internal parser of csv data.
#' TODO: could break if the csv formating is changed,
#' use json or ncdf instead (more reliable but slower)?
#' @noRd
cams_parse <- function(content) {
  # Last row with '#' holds column names, the data part starts after that
  j <- 0
  for(row_str in readLines(content, n=50)) {
    if(substr(row_str,1,1) != "#") break
    j <- j + 1

  # output info part of the csv file
  message(writeLines(readLines(content, n=j)))

  # get column names, change first column name to 'timestamp'
  col_names <- unlist(strsplit((readLines(content, n=j))[j], ";"))
  col_names <- c("timestamp", col_names[2:(length(col_names))])

  # get data, parse first column as datetime, set column names
  df <- utils::read.delim(content, header=FALSE, sep=";", skip=j)
  df[, 1] <- as.POSIXct(substr(df[, 1], 23, 38), "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
  names(df) <- col_names


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camsRad documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:14 p.m.