
Defines functions plot.candiscList summary.candiscList print.candiscList candiscList.mlm candiscList

Documented in candiscList candiscList.mlm plot.candiscList print.candiscList summary.candiscList

# Canonical discriminant analysis for all terms in an mlm

# Written by: John Fox
# Last updated: 10/29/2007 9:33:42 AM MF
# --- Changed default to ask=interactive() in plot.candiscList

# Last modified: 31 August 2007 by J. Fox

#' Canonical discriminant analyses
#' \code{candiscList} performs a generalized canonical discriminant analysis
#' for all terms in a multivariate linear model (i.e., an \code{mlm} object),
#' computing canonical scores and vectors.
#' @aliases candiscList candiscList.mlm plot.candiscList print.candiscList
#'          summary.candiscList
#' @param mod An mlm object, such as computed by lm() with a multivariate
#'          response
#' @param type type of test for the model \code{term}, one of: "II", "III",
#'          "2", or "3"
#' @param manova the \code{Anova.mlm} object corresponding to \code{mod}.
#'       Normally, this is computed internally by \code{Anova(mod)}
#' @param ndim Number of dimensions to store in the \code{means},
#'       \code{structure}, \code{scores} and \code{coeffs.*} components.  
#'       The default is the rank of the H matrix for the hypothesis term.
#' @param object,x A candiscList object
#' @param term The name of one term to be plotted for the \code{plot} method.
#'       If not specified, one candisc plot is produced for each term in the
#'       \code{mlm} object.
#' @param ask If \code{TRUE} (the default, when running interactively), a menu
#'       of terms is presented; if ask is FALSE, canonical plots for all terms are
#'       produced.
#' @param graphics if \code{TRUE} (the default, when running interactively),
#'       then the menu of terms to plot is presented in a dialog box rather than as a
#'       text menu.
#' @param \dots arguments to be passed down.
#' @return An object of class \code{candiscList} which is a list of
#'       \code{"candisc"} objects for the terms in the mlm.
#' @author Michael Friendly and John Fox
#' @seealso \code{\link{candisc}}, \code{\link[heplots]{heplot}},
#'       \code{\link[heplots]{heplot3d}}
#' @keywords multivariate hplot
#' @examples
#' grass.mod <- lm(cbind(N1,N9,N27,N81,N243) ~ Block + Species, data=Grass)
#' grass.canL <-candiscList(grass.mod)
#' names(grass.canL)
#' names(grass.canL$Species)
#' \dontrun{
#' print(grass.canL)
#' }
#' plot(grass.canL, type="n", ask=FALSE)
#' heplot(grass.canL$Species, scale=6)
#' heplot(grass.canL$Block, scale=2)
#' @export candiscList
candiscList <- function(mod, ...){
#' @describeIn candiscList \code{"mlm"} method.
#' @export
candiscList.mlm <- function(mod, type="2", manova, ndim, ...){
    if (missing(manova)) manova <- Anova(mod, type=type)
    result <- as.list(1:length(manova$terms))
    names(result) <- manova$terms
    for (term in manova$terms){
        result[[term]] <- if (missing(ndim))
            candisc(mod, type=type, manova=manova, term=term)
            else {
                nd <- if(is.list(ndim)) ndim$term
                    else ndim 
                candisc(mod, type=type, manova=manova, ndim=nd, term=term)
    class(result) <- "candiscList"

#' @describeIn candiscList \code{print()} method for \code{"candiscList"} objects.
#' @export
print.candiscList <- function(x, ...){
    terms <- names(x)
    for (term in terms){
        cat("\nTerm:", term, "\n")
        print(x[[term]], ...)

#' @describeIn candiscList \code{summary()} method for \code{"candiscList"} objects.
#' @export
summary.candiscList <- function(object, ...){
    terms <- names(object)
    for (term in terms){
        cat("\nTerm:", term, "\n")
        summary(object[[term]], ...)

#' @describeIn candiscList \code{plot()} method for \code{"candiscList"} objects.
#' @export
plot.candiscList <- function(x, term, ask=interactive(), graphics = TRUE, ...) {
    if (!missing(term)){
        if (is.character(term)) term <- gsub(" ", "", term)
        plot(x[[term]], ...)
    terms <- names(x)
    if (ask){
        repeat {
            selection <- menu(terms, graphics = graphics, title = "Select term to plot")
            if (selection == 0) break
            else plot(x[[selection]], ...)
    else {
        nterms <- length(x)
        for (i in 1:nterms) {
        	plot(x[[i]], ...)

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