canprot-package: Chemical Metrics of Differentially Expressed Proteins

Description Overview References Examples


canprot is a package for computing chemical metrics of proteins from their amino acid compositions. The package has datasets for differentially expressed proteins in cancer and cell culture conditions from over 250 studies.


This package includes datasets for differential expression of proteins in six cancer types (breast, colorectal, liver, lung, pancreatic, prostate), and four cell culture conditions (hypoxia, hyperosmotic stress, secreted proteins in hypoxia, and 3D compared to 2D growth conditions). The hyperosmotic stress data are divided into bacteria, archaea (both high- and low-salt experiments) and eukaryotes; the latter are further divided into salt and glucose experiments. Nearly all datasets use UniProt IDs; if not given in the original publications they have been added using the UniProt mapping tool (

The analysis vignettes have plots for each cancer type and cell culture condition and references for all data sources used. Because of their size, pre-built vignette HTML files are not included with the package; use mkvig to compile and view any of the vignettes.

The functions in this package were originally based on code for the papers of Dick (2016 and 2017). Updated data compilations and revised vignettes were developed by Dick et al. (2020) and Dick (2021).


Dick, J. M. (2016) Proteomic indicators of oxidation and hydration state in colorectal cancer. PeerJ 4, e2238. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2238

Dick, J. M. (2017) Chemical composition and the potential for proteomic transformation in cancer, hypoxia, and hyperosmotic stress. PeerJ 5, e3421. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3421

Dick, J. M., Yu, M. and Tan, J. (2020) Uncovering chemical signatures of salinity gradients through compositional analysis of protein sequences. Biogeosciences 17, 6145–6162. doi: 10.5194/bg-17-6145-2020

Dick, J. M. (2021) Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer. Comp. Sys. Onco. 1:e1007. doi: 10.1002/cso2.1007


# List the data files for all studies
# (one study can have more than one dataset)
exprdata <- system.file("extdata/expression", package="canprot")
datafiles <- dir(exprdata, recursive=TRUE)
# Show the number of data files for each condition

canprot documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 9:06 a.m.