
Defines functions fct_inorder fct_infreq

# Standalone file: do not edit by hand
# Source: <https://github.com/ddsjoberg/standalone/blob/main/R/standalone-forcats.R>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. INSTEAD MODIFY THE VERSION IN https://github.com/ddsjoberg/standalone/tree/main/R
# ---
# file: standalone-forcats.R
# last-updated: 2024-01-24
# license: https://unlicense.org
# imports:
# ---
# This file provides a minimal shim to provide a forcats-like API on top of
# base R functions. They are not drop-in replacements but allow a similar style
# of programming.
# ## Changelog
# nocov start
# styler: off

fct_infreq <- function(f, ordered = NA) {
  # reorder by frequency
    levels = table(f) |> sort(decreasing = TRUE) |> names(),
    ordered = ifelse(is.na(ordered), is.ordered(f), ordered)

fct_inorder <- function(f, ordered = NA) {
    levels = stats::na.omit(unique(f)) |> union(levels(f)),
    ordered = ifelse(is.na(ordered), is.ordered(f), ordered)

# nocov end
# styler: on

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cardx documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:04 a.m.