Man pages for cassandRa
Finds Missing Links and Metric Confidence Intervals in Ecological Bipartite Networks

CalcHostLevelCoverageEstimated probabilities of missing links based on the host...
cassandRa-packagecassandRa: Finds Missing Links and Metric Confidence...
ComputeCICompute Basic Confidence Intervals
CoverageEstimatorCoverage Estimator, using Chao1 Index, Turing-Good or...
CreateListObjectGenerates a network list from a food web
FitAllModelsFit all the models
FitBothMandCFit Matching-Centrality Model
FitCentralityFit Centrality Model
FitMatchingFit Latent Trait (Matching Model)
FitSBMFit SBM Model
make_true_and_sample_webMake an artificial bipartite networks with some properties of...
OptimiserOptimiser wrapper for network models
Optimise_SBMCustom optimiser function for SBM models
pipePipe operator
PlotFitPlot the fitted network models
PlotRarefactionPlot Metric Response To Network Rarefaction
PredictLinksGenerates a network list from a food web and fits all network...
RarefyNetworkRecalculate Network Metrics With Rarefied Webs
SortResponseCategoryAdds a dataframe that defines each interaction as true...
TestAllModelsTest the models by AUC
TestAUCTest via AUC the predictive capacity of each model or...
cassandRa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:21 a.m.