CoverageEstimator: Coverage Estimator, using Chao1 Index, Turing-Good or...

View source: R/CoverageEstimator.R

CoverageEstimatorR Documentation

Coverage Estimator, using Chao1 Index, Turing-Good or Binomial depending on what is possible


An estimate of the sample coverage, which tries to use the most appropriate method


CoverageEstimator(x, cutoff = 5, BayesPrior = "Flat")



A vector of integers, the observed sample counts


When to switch from binomial model to Chao1 estimator


Prior to use. Either 'Flat' or 'Jeffereys'.


Sample coverage is defined as the probability that the next interaction drawn is of a type not yet seen

If the sample size is at or below a cutoff (5) or if all the samples are singletons, this is calculated as the posterior mean of a binomial model using a flat prior (this can be changed to a Jeffereys).

If there are singletons but no doubletons, the Turing-Good estimate is used: c_hat = 1 - (f1/n)

If there are both singletons and doubletons, the Chao1 index is used:

c_hat = 1 -( (f1/n) * ( (f1*(n-1))/((n-1)*(f1+(2*f2))) ) )


c_hat, the estimated coverage. (i.e. 1- C_def)

cassandRa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:21 a.m.