Man pages for cauphy
Trait Evolution on Phylogenies Using the Cauchy Process

ancestralPosterior density of a node
cauphylmPhylogenetic Regression using a Cauchy Process
checkDuplicatesCheck For Duplicated Entries
checkTraitTreeCheck Matrix Parameter
check_treeCheck Binary Tree object
compute_vcovCompute Approximated Variance Covariance Matrix
do_optimNLOPT optimization
find_modesFind modes of a distribution
fitCauchyModel fitting for a Cauchy Process
fitCauchy.internalMaximum Likelihood estimator for a Cauchy model
fit_functionMaximum Likelihood estimator for a Cauchy model
getBoundsGet bounds
getBoundsCauchyGet bound for a Cauchy process
getBoundsLambdaGet bounds for a Cauchy Lambda
getParamNamesGet parameter names
getStartingValuesGet starting values
getStartingValuesCauchyGet starting values for a Cauchy
getStartingValuesLambdaGet starting values for a Cauchy Lambda
hdi.ancestralCauchyHighest (Posterior) Density Interval
incrementPosterior density of an increment
initDispersionParameterInitialization of the dispersion parameter.
initLambdaParameterInitialization of the lambda parameter.
initPositionParameterInitialization of the position parameter.
lizardsGreater Antillean Anolis lizard dataset
logDensityTipsCauchyLog Density of a Cauchy Process
maxLambdaMaximum lambda value
minusLikelihoodFixedRootMinus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_lmMinus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_muMinus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
minusLikelihoodRandomRootMinus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
minusLikelihoodREMLMinus REML function for a Cauchy model
plot.ancestralCauchyPlot for class 'ancestralCauchy'
plot_asrPlot Ancestral States Reconstructions
plot.invisibleInvisible Plotting
plot.profile.cauphyfitPlot for class 'profile.cauphyfit'
posteriorDensityAncestralPosterior density of a node
posteriorDensityIncrementPosterior density of an increment
printRTreeTestPrint a tree
profile.cauphyfitMethod for Profiling 'cauphyfit' Objects
reroottipRe root tree at a tip
rTraitCauchyCauchy Trait Simulation
safe_getSafely get element of a named vector
simulateTipsCauchySimulate using the Cauchy Process
transformBranchLengthsTransform branch lengths
vcov.cauphyfitGeneric Methods for S3 class 'cauphyfit'.
vcov.cauphylmGeneric Methods for S3 class 'cauphylm'.
cauphy documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 5:08 p.m.