#' PROSPECT model version 5 and 5B
#' The PROSPECT5(b) leaf reflectance model. The model was implemented based on
#' Jacquemoud and Ustin (2019), and is further described in detail in Feret et al (2008).
#' PROSPECT models use the plate models developed in
#' Allen (1969) and Stokes (1862). Set Cbrown to 0 for prospect version 5.
#' @param param A named vector of PROSPECT parameters (note: program ignores case):
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = leaf structure parameter (N)
#' \item [2] = chlorophyll a+b content in ug/cm2 (Cab)
#' \item [3] = carotenoids content in ug/cm2 (Car)
#' \item [4] = brown pigments content in arbitrary units (Cbrown)
#' \item [5] = equivalent water thickness in g/cm2 (Cw)
#' \item [6] = leaf dry matter content in g/cm2 - lma - (Cm)
#' }
#' @return spectra matrix with leaf reflectance and transmission
#' for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = leaf reflectance (rho)
#' \item [2] = leaf transmission (tau)
#' }
#' @importFrom expint expint_E1
#' @export
#' @references Jacquemoud, S., and Ustin, S. (2019). Leaf optical properties.
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' @references Feret, J.B., Francois, C., Asner, G.P., Gitelson, A.A.,
#' Martin, R.E., Bidel, L.P.R., Ustin, S.L., le Maire, G., Jacquemoud, S. (2008),
#' PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the leaf optical properties model separating photosynthetic
#' pigments. Remote Sens. Environ. 112, 3030-3043.
#' @references Allen W.A., Gausman H.W., Richardson A.J., Thomas J.R.
#' (1969), Interaction of isotropic ligth with a compact plant leaf,
#' Journal of the Optical Society of American, 59:1376-1379.
#' @references Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light
#' reflected from or transmitted through a pile of plates,
#' Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 11:545-556.
#' @useDynLib ccrtm
prospect5 <- function(param){
## force case to lower
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
N <- as.numeric(param["n"])
Cab <- as.numeric(param["cab"])
Car <- as.numeric(param["car"])
Cbrown <- as.numeric(param["cbrown"])
Cw <- as.numeric(param["cw"])
Cm <- as.numeric(param["cm"])
rhoTau <- matrix(0, 2101, 2)
CoefMat <- data_prospect5 ## get reflective and absorbtion coefficient data
l <- CoefMat[,1] # wavelength (nm)
n <- CoefMat[,2] # refractive index
## specific absorption coefficient for each element at each wl (k= total absorbtion coefficient)
alpha <- c(Cab,Car,Cbrown,Cw,Cm)/N
## k <- (Cab*CoefMat[,3]+Car*CoefMat[,4]+Cbrown*CoefMat[,5]+Cw*CoefMat[,6]+Cm*CoefMat[,7])/N;
k <- CoefMat[,-c(1:2)]%*%alpha ## 1% faster
## k[which(k==0)] <- .Machine$double.eps ## precision of zero in R
## using expint::expint_E1 instead of pracma::expint due to performance
## test
trans <- (1-k)*exp(-k)+k^2*expint::expint_E1(k) ## transmittance
## the plate model
## reflectance and transmittance though interface, one layer and N layers
alpha <- 40
t12 <- ctav(alpha,n) ## Transmission of isotropic light from 40degrees
tav90n <- ctav(90,n)
t21 <- tav90n/n^2 ## 90degrees
r12 <- 1-t12
r21 <- 1-t21
x <- t12/tav90n
y <- x*(tav90n-1)+1-t12
pm <- cplateModel(r12,t12,r21,t21, x, y, trans, N)
rhoTau[,1] <- pm[[1]]
rhoTau[,2] <- pm[[2]]
colnames(rhoTau) <- c("rho", "tau")
#' PROSPECT model version D
#' The PROSPECTD leaf reflectance model. The model was implemented based on
#' Jacquemoud and Ustin (2019), and is further described in detail in Feret et al (2017).
#' PROSPECT models use the plate models developed in
#' Allen (1969) and Stokes (1862).
#' @param param A named vector of PROSPECT parameters (note: program ignores case):
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = leaf structure parameter (N)
#' \item [2] = chlorophyll a+b content in ug/cm2 (Cab)
#' \item [3] = carotenoids content in ug/cm2 (Car)
#' \item [4] = Leaf anthocyanin content (ug/cm2) (Canth)
#' \item [5] = brown pigments content in arbitrary units (Cbrown)
#' \item [6] = equivalent water thickness in g/cm2 (Cw)
#' \item [7] = leaf dry matter content in g/cm2 - lma - (Cm)
#' }
#' @return spectra matrix with leaf reflectance and transmission
#' for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = leaf reflectance (rho)
#' \item [2] = leaf transmission (tau)
#' }
#' @references Jacquemoud, S., and Ustin, S. (2019). Leaf optical properties.
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' @references Feret, J.B., Gitelson, A.A., Noble, S.D., Jacquemoud, S. (2017).
#' PROSPECT-D: Towards modeling leaf optical properties through a complete lifecycle.
#' Remote Sens. Environ. 193, 204-215.
#' @references Allen W.A., Gausman H.W., Richardson A.J., Thomas J.R.
#' (1969), Interaction of isotropic ligth with a compact plant leaf,
#' Journal of the Optical Society of American, 59:1376-1379.
#' @references Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light
#' reflected from or transmitted through a pile of plates,
#' Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 11:545-556.
#' @importFrom expint expint_E1
#' @export
#' @useDynLib ccrtm
prospectd <- function(param){
## force case to lower
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
N <- as.numeric(param["n"])
Cab <- as.numeric(param["cab"])
Car <- as.numeric(param["car"])
Canth <- as.numeric(param["canth"])
Cbrown <- as.numeric(param["cbrown"])
Cw <- as.numeric(param["cw"])
Cm <- as.numeric(param["cm"])
rhoTau <- matrix(0, 2101, 2)
# CoefMat <- ccrtm:::data_prospectd ## get reflective and absorbtion coefficient data
CoefMat <- data_prospectd ## get reflective and absorbtion coefficient data
l <- CoefMat[,1] # wavelength (nm)
n <- CoefMat[,2] # refractive index
## specific absorption coefficient for each element at each wl (k= total absorbtion coefficient)
## should be able to switch this to CoefMat%*%Input
## the formula is over N as concentrations are assumed uniform over the
## leaf
k <- (Cab*CoefMat[,3]+Car*CoefMat[,4]+Canth*CoefMat[,5]+Cbrown*CoefMat[,6]+
## k[which(k==0)] <- .Machine$double.eps ## precision of zero in R
## using expint::expint_E1 instead of pracma::expint due to performance
## test
trans <- (1-k)*exp(-k)+k^2*expint::expint_E1(k) ## transmittance
## the plate model
## reflectance and transmittance though interface, one layer and N layers
alpha <- 40
t12 <- ctav(alpha,n) ## Transmission of isotropic light from 40degrees
tav90n <- ctav(90,n)
t21 <- tav90n/n^2 ## 90degrees
r12 <- 1-t12
r21 <- 1-t21
x <- t12/tav90n
y <- x*(tav90n-1)+1-t12
pm <- cplateModel(r12,t12,r21,t21, x, y, trans, N)
rhoTau[,1] <- pm[[1]]
rhoTau[,2] <- pm[[2]]
colnames(rhoTau) <- c("rho", "tau")
# Low level prospect D implementation
.prospect5 <- function(param,
## force case to lower
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
N <- as.numeric(param[expected[1]])
Cab <- as.numeric(param[expected[2]])
Car <- as.numeric(param[expected[3]])
Cbrown <- as.numeric(param[expected[4]])
Cw <- as.numeric(param[expected[5]])
Cm <- as.numeric(param[expected[6]])
rhoTau <- matrix(0, 2101, 2)
CoefMat <- data_prospect5 ## get reflective and absorbtion coefficient data
n <- CoefMat[,2] # refractive index
alpha <- c(Cab,Car,Cbrown,Cw,Cm)/N
## k <- (Cab*CoefMat[,3]+Car*CoefMat[,4]+Cbrown*CoefMat[,5]+Cw*CoefMat[,6]+Cm*CoefMat[,7])/N;
k <- CoefMat[,-c(1:2)]%*%alpha ## 1% faster
## k[which(k==0)] <- .Machine$double.eps ## precision of zero in R
## using expint::expint_E1 instead of pracma::expint due to performance
## test
trans <- (1-k)*exp(-k)+k^2*expint::expint_E1(k) ## transmittance
## the plate model
## reflectance and transmittance though interface, one layer and N layers
alpha <- 40
t12 <- ctav(alpha,n) ## Transmission of isotropic light from 40degrees
tav90n <- ctav(90,n)
t21 <- tav90n/n^2 ## 90degrees
r12 <- 1-t12
r21 <- 1-t21
x <- t12/tav90n
y <- x*(tav90n-1)+1-t12
pm <- cplateModel(r12,t12,r21,t21, x, y, trans, N)
rhoTau[,1] <- pm[[1]]
rhoTau[,2] <- pm[[2]]
colnames(rhoTau) <- c("rho", "tau")
# Low level prospect D implementation
.prospectd <- function(param,
## force case to lower
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
N <- as.numeric(param[expected[1]])
Cab <- as.numeric(param[expected[2]])
Car <- as.numeric(param[expected[3]])
Canth <- as.numeric(param[expected[4]])
Cbrown <- as.numeric(param[expected[5]])
Cw <- as.numeric(param[expected[6]])
Cm <- as.numeric(param[expected[7]])
rhoTau <- matrix(0, 2101, 2)
CoefMat <- data_prospectd ## get reflective and absorbtion coefficient data
n <- CoefMat[,2] # refractive index
## specific absorption coefficient for each element at each wl (k= total absorbtion coefficient)
alpha <- c(Cab,Car,Canth,Cbrown,Cw,Cm)/N
k <- CoefMat[,-c(1:2)]%*%alpha ## 1% faster
## using expint::expint_E1 instead of pracma::expint due to performance
## test
trans <- (1-k)*exp(-k)+k^2*expint::expint_E1(k) ## transmittance
## the plate model
## reflectance and transmittance though interface, one layer and N layers
alpha <- 40
t12 <- ctav(alpha,n) ## Transmission of isotropic light from 40degrees
tav90n <- ctav(90,n)
t21 <- tav90n/n^2 ## 90degrees
r12 <- 1-t12
r21 <- 1-t21
x <- t12/tav90n
y <- x*(tav90n-1)+1-t12
pm <- cplateModel(r12,t12,r21,t21, x, y, trans, N)
rhoTau[,1] <- pm[[1]]
rhoTau[,2] <- pm[[2]]
colnames(rhoTau) <- c("rho", "tau")
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