##' Sky light model
##' Simple atmospherical model that builds on recommendations
##' from Francois et al. (2002).
##' @param rddt Bi-hemispherical reflectance
##' @param rsdt Directional-hemispherical reflectance for
##' solar incident flux
##' @param rdot Hemispherical-directional reflectance in viewing direction
##' @param rsot Bi-directional reflectance factor
##' @param Es Solar flux
##' @param Ed Diffuse flux
##' @param tts solar angle
##' @param skyl fraction diffuse
##' @references Francois, C., Ottle, C., Olioso, A., Prevot, L., Bruguier, N.,
##' Ducros, Y.(2002). Conversion of 400-1100 nm vegetation albedo measurements
##' into total shortwave broadband albedo using a canopy radiative transfer model.
##' Agronomie 22, 611-618.
##' @examples
##' data(solar)
##' @return a list with hemispherical and directional reflectance.
##' rt<-fRTM(rho~prospect5+foursail)
##' skyl(rt[,"rddt"],rt[,"rsdt"],rt[,"rdot"],rt[,"rsot"],
##' Es=solar[,1],Ed=solar[,2],tts=45,skyl=NULL)
##' @export
skyl <- function(rddt,rsdt,rdot,rsot,Es,Ed,tts,skyl=NULL){
rd <- pi/180
## skyl following the recommendations from
## Francois et al. (2002) Conversion of 400-1000 nm vegetation albedo
## measurements into total shortwave broadband albedo using a canopy
## radiative transfer model, Agronomie
skyl <- 0.847- 1.61*sin((90-tts)*rd)+
## Direct / diffuse light
PARdiro <- (1-skyl)*Es
PARdifo <- (skyl)*Ed
resh <- (rddt*PARdifo+rsdt*PARdiro)/(PARdiro+PARdifo) ## hemispherical
resv <- (rdot*PARdifo+rsot*PARdiro)/(PARdiro+PARdifo) ## observer
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