
Defines functions censReg

Documented in censReg

if( getRversion() >= "2.15.1" ) globalVariables( "validObs2" )

censReg <- function( formula, left = 0, right = Inf,
      data = sys.frame( sys.parent() ), subset = NULL, start = NULL,
      nGHQ = 8, logLikOnly = FALSE, ... ) {

   ## checking formula
   if( !inherits( formula, "formula" ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'formula' must be a formula" )
   } else if( length( formula ) != 3 ) {
      stop( "argument 'formula' must be a 2-sided formula" )

   ## checking limits
   # left
   if( !is.numeric( left ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'left' must be a number" )
   } else if( length( left ) != 1 ) {
      stop( "argument 'left' must be a scalar (single number)" )
   # right
   if( !is.numeric( right ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'right' must be a number" )
   } else if( length( right ) != 1 ) {
      stop( "argument 'right' must be a scalar (single number)" )
   # both
   if( left >= right ) {
      stop( "argument 'right' must be a larger number than argument 'left'" )

   ## checking argument 'logLikOnly'
   if( length( logLikOnly ) != 1 ) {
      stop( "argument 'logLikOnly' must be a single logical value" )
   } else if( !is.logical( logLikOnly ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'logLikOnly' must be logical" )
   if( logLikOnly && is.null( start ) ) {
      stop( "if argument 'logLikOnly' is 'TRUE',",
         " parameters must be specified by argument 'start'" )

   ## preparing model matrix and model response
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots = FALSE )
   m <- match( c( "data", "subset" ), names( mc ), 0 )
   mf <- mc[ c( 1, m ) ]
   mf$formula <- formula
   attributes( mf$formula ) <- NULL
   mf$na.action <- na.pass
   mf[[ 1 ]] <- as.name( "model.frame" )
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   # remove unused levels
   for( i in 1:ncol( mf ) ) {
      if( is.factor( mf[[ i ]] ) ) {
         mf[[ i ]] <- factor( mf[[ i ]] )
   mt <- attr( mf, "terms" )
   xMat <- model.matrix( mt, mf )
   xNames <- colnames( xMat )
   yVec <- model.response( mf )
   yName <- as.character( formula )[ 2 ]
   if( length( yVec ) != nrow( xMat ) ) {
      stop( "the number of observations of the endogenous variable (",
         length( yVec ), ") is not equal to the number of observations",
         " of the exogenous variables (", nrow( xMat ), ")" )

   ## extract information on panel structure of data set
   isPanel <- inherits( data, c( "pdata.frame", "plm.dim" ) )
   if( isPanel ) {
      if( inherits( data, "pdata.frame" ) ) {
         # current panel data format from pkg plm
         pIndex <- index( data )
      } else if( inherits( data, "plm.dim" ) ) {
         # deprecated panel data format from pkg plm
         pIndex <- data[ , 1:2 ]
      } else {
         stop( "internal error: please contact the maintainer",
            " of the 'censReg' package" )
      ## check if observations are ordered with respect to names of individuals
      # (theoretically, it is not required that the observations are ordered
      # alphabetically with respect to individuals' names but
      # if the individuals are not in the same order for each time period,
      # the observations are allocated to a wrong individual)
      if( !identical( order( pIndex[[ 1 ]] ), 1:length( pIndex[[ 1 ]] ) ) ) {
         stop( "names of individuals in attributes(data)$index[[1]]",
            " must be in alphabetical order but they are not;",
            " please fix this and re-run censReg()." )


   ## check if endogenous variable is within limits
   if( any( yVec[ !is.na( yVec ) ] < left ) ) {
      warning( "at least one value of the endogenous variable is smaller than",
         " the left limit" )
   } else if( any( yVec[ !is.na( yVec ) ] > right ) ) {
      warning( "at least one value of the endogenous variable is larger than",
         " the right limit" )

   ## detect and remove observations with NAs, NaNs, and INFs
   validObs <- rowSums( is.na( cbind( yVec, xMat ) ) |
      is.infinite( cbind( yVec, xMat ) ) ) == 0
   yVec <- yVec[ validObs ]
   xMat <- xMat[ validObs, , drop = FALSE ]
   if( isPanel ) {
      pIndex <- pIndex[ validObs, , drop = FALSE ]
      indNames <- unique( pIndex[[ 1 ]] )  # 'names' of individuals
      nInd <- length( indNames )           # number of individuals
      timeNames <- unique( pIndex[[ 2 ]] ) # 'names' of time periods
      nTime <- length( timeNames )         # number of time periods

   ## starting values
   nParam <- ncol( xMat ) + 1
   if( isPanel ) {
      nParam <- nParam + 1
   if( is.null( start ) ) {
      if( isPanel ) {
         assign( "validObs2", validObs, inherits = TRUE )
         if( length( attr( terms( formula ), "term.labels" ) ) > 0 ) {
            # Random effects panel model estimation for starting values
            rEff <- plm( formula, data = data, subset = validObs2,
               effect = "individual", model = "random" )
            start <- c( coef( rEff ),
               0.5 * log( rEff$ercomp$sigma2[[ "id" ]] ),
               0.5 * log( rEff$ercomp$sigma2[[ "idios" ]] ) )
         } else if( has.intercept( formula ) ) {
            start <- c( mean( yVec[ validObs ] ),
               rep( log( var( yVec[ validObs ] ) / 2 ), 2 ) )
         } else {
            stop( "argument 'formula' seems to have neither an intercept",
               " nor any explanatory variables" )
      } else {
         # OLS estimation for starting values
         ols <- lm.fit( xMat, yVec )
         start <- c( ols$coefficients,
            log( sum( ols$residuals^2 ) / length( ols$residuals ) ) )
   } else {
      if( !is.numeric( start ) ) {
         stop( "argument 'start' must be numeric" )
      } else if( length( start ) != nParam ) {
         stop( "argument 'start' must have length ", nParam )

   if( isPanel ) {
      ## naming coefficients
      names( start ) <- c( colnames( xMat ), "logSigmaMu", "logSigmaNu" )

      ## Abscissae and weights for the Gauss-Hermite-Quadrature
      ghqPoints <- ghq( nGHQ, modified = FALSE )

      ## re-organize data 
      xArr <- array( NA, dim = c( nInd, nTime, ncol( xMat ) ) )
      yMat <- matrix( NA, nrow = nInd, ncol = nTime )
      for( i in 1:nTime ) {
         obsTime <- pIndex[[ 2 ]] == timeNames[ i ]
         xArr[ indNames %in% pIndex[[ 1 ]][ obsTime ], i, ] <- xMat[ obsTime, ]
         yMat[ indNames %in% pIndex[[ 1 ]][ obsTime ], i ] <- yVec[ obsTime ]

      ## classify observations
      obsBelow <- yMat <= left & !is.na( yMat )
      obsAbove <- yMat >= right & !is.na( yMat )
      obsBetween <- !obsBelow & !obsAbove & !is.na( yMat )

      ## stop and return log likelihood values
      if( logLikOnly ) {
         result <- censRegLogLikPanel( beta = start,
            yMat = yMat, xArr = xArr, left = left, right = right, 
            nInd = nInd, nTime = nTime,
            obsBelow = obsBelow, obsBetween = obsBetween, obsAbove = obsAbove,
            nGHQ = nGHQ, ghqPoints = ghqPoints )
         return( result )

      if( sum( obsBelow, na.rm = TRUE ) + sum( obsAbove, na.rm = TRUE ) == 0 ) {
         stop( "there are no censored observations" )
      if( sum( obsBetween, na.rm = TRUE ) == 0 ) {
         stop( "there are no uncensored observations" )
      ## log likelihood function for panel data (incl. gradients)
      result <- maxLik( censRegLogLikPanel, start = start,
         yMat = yMat, xArr = xArr, left = left, right = right, 
         nInd = nInd, nTime = nTime,
         obsBelow = obsBelow, obsBetween = obsBetween, obsAbove = obsAbove,
         nGHQ = nGHQ, ghqPoints = ghqPoints, ... )
   } else {
      ## naming coefficients
      names( start ) <- c( colnames( xMat ), "logSigma" )

      ## classify observations
      obsBelow <- yVec <= left
      obsAbove <- yVec >= right
      obsBetween <- !obsBelow & !obsAbove

      ## stop and return log likelihood values
      if( logLikOnly ) {
         result <- censRegLogLikCross( beta = start,
            yVec = yVec, xMat = xMat, left = left, right = right, 
            obsBelow = obsBelow, obsBetween = obsBetween, obsAbove = obsAbove )
         return( result )

      if( sum( obsBelow, na.rm = TRUE ) + sum( obsAbove, na.rm = TRUE ) == 0 ) {
         stop( "there are no censored observations" )
      if( sum( obsBetween, na.rm = TRUE ) == 0 ) {
         stop( "there are no uncensored observations" )

      ## log likelihood function for cross-sectional data
      result <- maxLik( censRegLogLikCross, start = start,
         yVec = yVec, xMat = xMat, left = left, right = right,
         obsBelow = obsBelow, obsBetween = obsBetween, obsAbove = obsAbove,
         ... )

   # return mean values of the explanatory variables
   result$xMean <- colMeans( xMat )
   # save and return the call
   result$call <- match.call()

   # return the model terms
   result$terms <- mt

   # save and return the number of oservations (in each category)
   result$nObs <- c( sum( obsBelow ), sum( obsBetween ), sum( obsAbove ) )
   result$nObs <- c( sum( result$nObs ), result$nObs )
   names( result$nObs ) <- c( "Total", "Left-censored", "Uncensored",
      "Right-censored" )

   # return the degrees of freedom of the residuals
   result$df.residual <- unname( result$nObs[ 1 ] - length( coef( result ) ) )
   # return starting values
   result$start <- start

   # censoring points
   result$left <- left
   result$right <- right

   class( result ) <- c( "censReg", class( result ) )
   return( result )

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censReg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:07 a.m.