Man pages for chillR
Statistical Methods for Phenology Analysis in Temperate Fruit Trees

add_dateAdd date/time column to data.frame
bloom_predictionBloom prediction from chilling and forcing requirements,...
bloom_prediction2Bloom prediction from chilling and forcing requirements,...
bloom_prediction3Bloom prediction from chilling and forcing requirements,...
california_stationsWeather stations in California
c.bootstrap_phenologyFitConcatenate bootstrap_phenologyfit objects
check_temperature_recordCheck a daily or hourly temperature record for compliance...
check_temperature_scenarioCheck temperature scenario for consistency
chile_agromet2chillRConvert a weather file downloaded from the Chilean Agromet...
chillingCalculation of chilling and heat from hourly temperature...
Chilling_HoursCalculation of cumulative chill according to the Chilling...
chilling_hourtableAdd chilling and heat accumulation to table of hourly...
chillR-packagechillR: statistical methods for phenology analysis in...
color_bar_makerMake color scheme for bar plots in outputs of the chillR...
convert_scen_informationConverts list of change scenarios to data.frame or vice versa
daily_chillCalculation of daily chill and heat accumulation
Date2YEARMODADate to YEARMODA conversion
daylengthCompute sunrise and sunset times, and daylength
download_baseline_cmip6_ecmwfrDownload historical CMIP6 Data via the ecwfr package
download_cmip6_ecmwfrDownload CMIP6 Data via the ecwfr package
Empirical_daily_temperature_curveEmpirical daily temperature curve
Empirical_hourly_temperaturesEmpirical daily temperature prediction
extract_cmip6_dataUnpacks and formats downloaded CMIP6 data
extract_differences_between_charactersIdentify shared leading or trailing character strings
extract_temperatures_from_gridsExtract temperature information from gridded dataset
filter_temperaturesQuality filter for temperature records
fix_weatherWeather data fixer and quality checker
GDDCalculation of cumulative heat according to the Growing...
GDHCalculation of cumulative heat according to the Growing...
GDH_modelCalculation of cumulative heat according to the Growing...
gen_rel_change_scenarioGenerates relative climate change scenarios based on...
genSeasonGenerate Seasons
getClimateWizardDataExtract climate data from the ClimateWizard database
getClimateWizard_scenariosExtract mutltiple scenarios from the ClimateWizard database
get_last_dateGet the last date from a phenology record
get_weatherDownload weather data from online database
handle_cimisList, download or convert to chillR format data from the...
handle_dwdList, download or convert to chillR format data from the...
handle_dwd_oldList, download or convert to chillR format data from the...
handle_gsodList, download or convert to chillR format data from the...
handle_gsod_oldDeprecated version of handle_gsod. List, download or convert...
handle_ucipmList, download or convert to chillR format data from the...
identify_common_stringIdentify shared leading or trailing character strings
interpolate_gapsLinear gap interpolation
interpolate_gaps_hourlyInterpolate gaps in hourly temperature records
JDay_countCount days between two Julian dates
JDay_earlierCheck whether a Julian date is before or after another one
JDay_laterCheck whether a Julian date is after another one
KA_bloomCherry bloom data for Klein-Altendorf, Germany
KA_weatherWeather data for Klein-Altendorf, Germany
leap_yearLeap year finder
load_ClimateWizard_scenariosLoad climate wizard scenarios
load_temperature_scenariosLoad temperature scenarios
make_all_day_tableFill in missing days in incomplete time series
make_california_UCIPM_station_listMakes a list of the UC IPM weather stations
make_chill_plotPlot climate metrics over time
make_climate_scenarioMake climate scenario
make_climate_scenario_from_filesMake climate scenario from multiple saved csv files
make_daily_chill_figuresProduce image of daily chill and heat accumulation
make_daily_chill_plotPlot daily climate metric accumulation throughout the year
make_daily_chill_plot2Plot daily climate metric accumulation throughout the year...
make_hourly_tempsMake hourly temperature record from daily data
make_JDayMake Julian Day in dataframe
make_multi_pheno_trend_plotCombine multiple phenology contour plots in one figure
make_pheno_trend_plotMake image showing phenology response to temperatures during...
ordered_climate_listSort files in a folder, so that numbers are in ascending...
patch_daily_temperaturesPatch gaps in daily weather records
patch_daily_tempsPatch gaps in daily weather records - updated
plot.bootstrap_phenologyFitplot bootstrap_phenologyFit
plot_climate_scenariosPlot multiple chilling scenario groups (or for other metrics)
plot_climateWizard_scenariosPlot mutltiple ClimateWizard scenarios obtained with...
plot.phenologyFitplot phenologyFit
plot_phenology_trendsVisualizing phenology responses to temperatures during two...
plot_PLSOutput of Partial Least Squares analysis results of phenology...
plot_scenariosPlot historic and future scenarios for climate-related...
PLS_chill_forcePartial Least Squares analysis of phenology vs. accumulated...
PLS_phenoPartial Least Squares analysis of phenology vs. daily mean...
predict.bootstrap_phenologyFitpredict bootstrap_phenologyFit
predict.phenologyFitpredict phenologyFit
print.phenologyFitprint phenologyFit
read_tabRead csv table regardless of whether it is a true csv or the...
RMSEPRoot Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP)
RPDResidual Prediction Deviation (RPD)
RPIQRatio of Performance to InterQuartile distance (RPIQ)
runn_meanRunning mean of a vector
runn_mean_predPrediction based on a running mean
save_temperature_scenariosSave temperature scenarios generated with...
select_by_file_extensionSelect string that end in a particular way (e.g. a certain...
stack_hourly_tempsStacking of hourly temperatures
stage_transitionsCompute what it takes to advance through development stages
step_modelCalculation of cumulative temperature metric according to a...
summary.phenologyFitsummary phenologyFit
temperature_generationGeneration of synthetic temperature records
temperature_scenario_baseline_adjustmentMake temperature scenario relative to a particular baseline
temperature_scenario_from_recordsMake monthly temperature scenario from historic records
tempResponseCalculation of climatic metrics from hourly temperature...
tempResponse_daily_listCalculation of climatic metrics from lists of daily...
tempResponse_hourtableAdd metric accumulation to table of hourly temperatures
test_if_equalTest if all character vectors in a string are equal
Utah_ModelCalculation of cumulative chill according to the Utah Model
VIPCalculate VIP scores for PLS regression
weather2chillRConvert downloaded weather to chillR format
Winters_hours_gapsHourly temperature data sample
YEARMODA2DateYEARMODA to Date conversion
chillR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 1:09 a.m.