#' Preprocess time/wavelength data
#' Standard pre-processing of response matrices, consisting of a time axis and
#' a spectral axis (e.g. HPLC-DAD/UV data). For smooth data, like UV-VIS data,
#' the size of the matrix can be reduced by interpolation. By default,
#' the data are baseline-corrected in the time direction
#' (\code{\link[ptw:baseline.corr]{baseline.corr}}) and smoothed in the
#' spectral dimension using cubic smoothing splines (\code{\link[stats:smooth.spline]{smooth.spline}}.
#' @import ptw
#' @importFrom stats approx smooth.spline
#' @param X A numerical data matrix, or list of data matrices. Missing values
#' are not allowed. If rownames or colnames attributes are used, they should be
#' numerical and signify time points and wavelengths, respectively.
#' @param dim1 A new, usually shorter, set of time points (numerical). The
#' range of these should not be outside the range of the original time points,
#' otherwise the function stops with an error message.
#' @param dim2 A new, usually shorter, set of wavelengths (numerical). The
#' range of these should not be outside the range of the original wavelengths,
#' otherwise the function stops with an error message.
#' @param remove.time.baseline Logical, indicating whether baseline correction
#' should be done in the time direction, according to
#' \code{\link[ptw:baseline.corr]{baseline.corr}}. Default is TRUE.
#' @param spec.smooth Logical, indicating whether smoothing should be done in
#' the spectral direction, according to
#' \code{\link[stats:smooth.spline]{smooth.spline}}. Default is TRUE.
#' @param maxI if given, the maximum intensity in the matrix is set to this
#' value.
#' @param parallel Logical, indicating whether to use parallel processing.
#' Defaults to TRUE (unless you're on Windows).
#' @param interpolate_rows Logical. Whether to interpolate along dim1. Defaults
#' to TRUE.
#' @param interpolate_cols Logical. Whether to interpolate along dim2. Defaults
#' to TRUE.
#' @param mc.cores How many cores to use for parallel processing. Defaults to 2.
#' @param \dots Further optional arguments to
#' \code{\link[ptw:baseline.corr]{baseline.corr}}.
#' @return The function returns the preprocessed data matrix, with row names and
#' column names indicating the time points and wavelengths, respectively.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @note Adapted from
#' \href{}{preprocess}
#' function in the alsace package by Ron Wehrens.
#' @references
#' * Wehrens, R., Bloemberg, T.G., and Eilers P.H.C. 2015. Fast
#' parametric time warping of peak lists. \emph{Bioinformatics}
#' \bold{31}:3063-3065. \doi{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv299}.
#' * Wehrens, R., Carvalho, E., Fraser, P.D. 2015. Metabolite profiling in
#' LC–DAD using multivariate curve resolution: the alsace package for R. \emph{
#' Metabolomics} \bold{11:1}:143-154. \doi{10.1007/s11306-014-0683-5}.
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' data(Sa)
#' new.ts <- seq(10,18.66,by=.01) # choose time-points
#' new.lambdas <- seq(200, 318, by = 2) # choose wavelengths
#' Sa_pr <- preprocess(Sa[[1]], dim1 = new.ts, dim2 = new.lambdas)
#' @md
#' @export preprocess
preprocess <- function(X, dim1, ## time axis
dim2, ## spectral axis
remove.time.baseline = TRUE,
spec.smooth = TRUE,
maxI, parallel,
interpolate_rows = TRUE,
interpolate_cols = TRUE,
mc.cores=2, ...){
if (missing(parallel)){
parallel <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
} else if (parallel & .Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
parallel <- FALSE
warning("Parallel processing is not currently available on Windows.")
if (is.matrix(X)){
X <- list(X)
return_matrix <- TRUE
} else return_matrix <- FALSE
if (!is.list(X) | mean(sapply(X,is.matrix)) != 1)
stop("X should be a matrix or a list of matrices")
# if (missing(dim1) | missing(dim2)){
# warning("...Times or wavelengths not provided.
# Extrapolating matrix dimensions for interpolation.",
# immediate. = TRUE)
# }
if (missing(dim1) & interpolate_rows){
warning("...Times not provided. Extrapolating from matrix dimensions for interpolation.",
immediate. = TRUE)
limits <- sapply(X,function(x){
ts <- rownames(x)
c(head(ts,1), tail(ts,1))})
start <- round(max(as.numeric(limits[1,])),2)
end <- floor(min(as.numeric(limits[2,])))
dim1 <- seq(start,end,by=.01)
if (missing(dim2) & interpolate_cols){
warning("...Wavelengths not provided. Extrapolating from matrix dimensions for interpolation.",
immediate. = TRUE)
dim2 <- as.numeric(colnames(X[[1]]))
if (parallel){
if (length(find.package('parallel', quiet=TRUE))==0){
stop("Parallel must be installed to enable parallel processing.")
X <- parallel::mclapply(X, FUN=preprocess_matrix,
remove.time.baseline = remove.time.baseline,
spec.smooth = spec.smooth, maxI = maxI,
interpolate_rows = interpolate_rows,
interpolate_cols = interpolate_cols,
} else{
X <- lapply(X, FUN=preprocess_matrix,
remove.time.baseline = remove.time.baseline,
spec.smooth = spec.smooth, maxI = maxI,
interpolate_rows = interpolate_rows,
interpolate_cols = interpolate_cols,
if (return_matrix){
} else X
#' @noRd
preprocess_matrix <- function(X,
dim1, ## time axis
dim2, ## spectral axis
remove.time.baseline = TRUE,
spec.smooth = TRUE,
interpolate_rows = TRUE,
interpolate_cols = TRUE,
...) {
if (!is.matrix(X))
stop("X should be a matrix!")
metadata <- attributes(X)
metadata[c("dimnames", "names", "row.names", "dim", "class", "levels")] <- NULL
## possibly resize matrix to a lower dimension - faster, noise averaging
if (interpolate_rows){
if (length(tpoints <- as.numeric(rownames(X))) == 0)
tpoints <- seq_len(nrow(X))
if (min(dim1) < min(tpoints) |
max(dim1) > max(tpoints))
stop("No extrapolation allowed - check dim1 argument")
X <- apply(X, 2, function(xx) approx(tpoints, xx, dim1)$y)
} else dim1 <- rownames(X)
if (interpolate_cols){
if (length(lambdas <- as.numeric(colnames(X))) == 0)
lambdas <- seq_len(ncol(X))
if (min(dim2) < min(lambdas) |
max(dim2) > max(lambdas))
stop("No extrapolation allowed - check dim2 argument")
X <- t(apply(X, 1, function(xx) approx(lambdas, xx, dim2)$y))
} else dim2 <- colnames(X)
if (spec.smooth)
X <- t(apply(X, 1, function(xxx) smooth.spline(xxx)$y))
if (remove.time.baseline)
X <- apply(X, 2, baseline.corr, ...)
if (min(X) < 0)
# X <- X - min(X)
X[X < 0] <- 0
if (!missing(maxI))
X <- maxI * X / max(X)
dimnames(X) <- list(dim1, dim2)
attributes(X) <- c(attributes(X), metadata)
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