
Defines functions set_classes check_cols

Documented in check_cols set_classes

#' Warns if any of the passed column names is missing from the data provided.
#' @param dt A data.frame.
#' @param cols A vector of column names.
#' @return The vector of all columns present in dt.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chronicle::check_cols(mtcars, c('cyl', 'made_up_column'))
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
check_cols <- function(dt, cols){
    stop('dt must be a data.frame')
  present <- cols %in% colnames(dt)
    warning(paste(cols[!present], collapse = ', '), ' not present in the provided data.frame')

#' Change column classes with a named vector
#' @param dt Table whose column types will be changed
#' @param character The columns that will be coerced to character.
#' @param integer The columns that will be coerced to integer.
#' @param double The columns that will be coerced to double.
#' @param logical The columns that will be coerced to logical.
#' @param factor The columns that will be coerced to factor.
#' @return Changes by reference the types of the specified columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(chronicle)
#' iris_changed <- chronicle::set_classes(dt = iris,
#'                                        character = 'Species',
#'                                        integer = c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'))
#' purrr::map_chr(iris_changed, class)
set_classes <- function(dt,
                        character = NULL,
                        integer = NULL,
                        double = NULL,
                        logical = NULL,
                        factor = NULL){

  # integer
    integer <- chronicle::check_cols(dt, integer)
    dt[, (integer) := purrr::map(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = integer][]

  # character
    character <- chronicle::check_cols(dt, character)
    dt[, (character) := purrr::map(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = character][]

  # double
    double <- chronicle::check_cols(dt, double)
    dt[, (double) := purrr::map(.SD, as.double), .SDcols = double][]

  # logical
    logical <- chronicle::check_cols(dt, logical)
    dt[, (logical) := purrr::map(.SD, as.logical), .SDcols = logical][]

  # factor
    factor <- chronicle::check_cols(dt, factor)
    dt[, (factor) := purrr::map(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols = factor][]


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chronicle documentation built on June 25, 2021, 9:09 a.m.