#' Transforms a function call into an Rmarkdown chunk
#' @param report Character string containing all the R Markdown chunks previously added. Default is '', an empty report.
#' @param fun Function to call.
#' @param params List of parameters to be passed to fun.
#' @param chunk_title Title of the Rmarkdown chunk. If NULL, chronicle will try to parse a generic title based on the function and parameters passed using make_title()
#' @param title_level Level of the section title of this plot (ie, number of # on Rmarkdown syntax.)
#' @param echo Whether to display the source code in the output document. Default is FALSE.
#' @param message Whether to preserve messages on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param warning Whether to preserve warnings on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param fig_width Width of the plot (in inches).
#' @param fig_height Height of the plot (in inches).
#' @param guess_title If TRUE, tries to generate a generic title for chronicle::make_* family of functions (eg 'Sepal.Length vs Sepal.Width by Species' for make_scatter)
#' @return An rmarkdown chunk as a character string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(chronicle)
#' html_chunk <- add_chunk(fun = chronicle::make_barplot,
#' params = list(dt = 'iris',
#' value = 'Sepal.Width',
#' bars = 'Species'))
#' cat(html_chunk)
add_chunk <- function(report = '',
chunk_title = NULL,
title_level = 2,
echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
fig_width = NULL,
fig_height = NULL,
guess_title = TRUE){
# plot title
chunk_title <- paste(
# title level
strrep('#', title_level),
# if missing chunk title, create a generic one
ifelse(test = is.null(chunk_title) & guess_title,
yes = chronicle::make_title(fun, params),
no = c(chunk_title, ' ')))
# build chunk header with given parameters
chunk_header <- paste0('```{r, ',
paste(c(paste0('echo=', echo),
paste0('message=', message),
paste0('warning=', warning),
if(!is.null(fig_width)){paste('fig.width=', fig_width)}else{'fig.width=params$figure_width'},
if(!is.null(fig_width)){paste('fig.height=', fig_height)}else{'fig.height=params$figure_height'}),
collapse = ', '),
# parse function name
fun_name <- deparse(substitute(fun))
# assemble function call
fun_call <- chronicle::assemble_call(fun_name, params, non_char = c('dt', 'plot_palette', 'plot_palette_generator','static'))
# enclose and the call around Rmarkdown header and closing
chunk <- paste(chunk_title, chunk_header, fun_call, '```', sep = '\n')
report <- glue::glue('{report}\n\n{chunk}')
#' Adds additional quotations to character values
#' This is useful when assembling functions calls, where you specify parameter
#' names and character values at the same time.
#' @param x List or named vector
#' @param except Vector specifying the names of the elements that should not be enquoted.
#' @param single_quote Use single quotes (') instead of double quotes ("). Default is TRUE.
#' @param collapse If not NULL, collapse the values into a single vector using this value as the separator. Default is NULL.
#' @return The list or named vector, with additional quotes around the appropriate values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' params = list(a = TRUE, b = FALSE, c = 'ABC', d = 15)
#' add_quotes(params)
#' add_quotes(params, except = 'c')
add_quotes <- function(x, except = NULL, single_quote = TRUE, collapse = NULL){
# identify which variables should be wrapped in quotes (characters not in except)
quote_this <- purrr::map_lgl(x, is.character) & if(is.null(names(x))){TRUE}else{!(names(x) %in% except)}
# enquote
properly_enquoted <- purrr::map_if(x, quote_this, ~paste0("'", .x, "'"))
properly_enquoted <- purrr::map_if(x, quote_this, ~paste0('"', .x, '"'))
# collapse into single string
properly_enquoted <- paste(properly_enquoted, collapse = collapse)
#' Assembles a formatted function call from a function and a list of parameters
#' @param fun_name Name of the function to be called (must be a character or coercible to a character).
#' @param params Named list or vector containing the parameters for the fun call.
#' @param non_char Names of the parameters whose values should not be interpreted
#' as character values
#' @return A character string with the formatted function call.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chronicle::assemble_call(fun_name = 'base::sapply',
#' params = list(X = 'iris',
#' FUN= 'class'))
#' chronicle::assemble_call(fun_name = 'base::sapply',
#' params = list(X = 'iris',
#' FUN= 'class'),
#' non_char = c('X', 'FUN'))
assemble_call <- function(fun_name, params, non_char = NULL){
fun_name <- as.character(fun_name)
# define indent length for good looking printing
param_sep <- paste0(',\n', strrep(x = ' ', times = nchar(fun_name) + 1))
# build the parameter assignment, pairing each parameter name to its corresponding value
vals_assignment <- paste(names(params),
chronicle::add_quotes(params, except = non_char),
sep = ' = ',
collapse = param_sep)
#' Returns the count of '#' corresponding to a given title level
#' @param level R Markdonw title level
#' @return '#', '##', '###' and so on, depending on the title level
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rmd_title_level(1)
#' rmd_title_level(3)
rmd_title_level <- function(level){
strrep(x = '#', times = level)
#' Guess a title out of function parameters
#' Detects which make_* function is passed and builds a generic name based on its parameters.
#' @param fun chronicle make_* function
#' @param params parameters for fun
#' @return A generic title for the plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_title(fun = chronicle::make_barplot,
#' params = list(value = 'Amount',
#' bars = 'Country',
#' break_bars_by = 'Region'))
#' make_title(fun = chronicle::make_raincloud,
#' params = list(value = 'value',
#' groups = 'species'))
make_title <- function(fun, params){
plot_title <- NULL
# switch function does not support closures, so it has to be done with indentical + if elses
# barplot
if(identical(fun, chronicle::make_barplot)){
plot_title <- paste0(ifelse(is.null(params$value), 'Count', params$value),
' by ',
if(!is.null(params$break_bars_by)){paste(' and', params$break_bars_by)}
# boxplot
}else if(identical(fun, chronicle::make_boxplot)){
groupings <- if(!is.null(params$groups)){paste(", by", knitr::combine_words(c(params$groups, params$split_groups_by)))}
plot_title <- glue::glue('Distribution of {params$value}{groupings}')
# density, histogram, raincloud, violin
}else if(identical(fun, chronicle::make_density) |
identical(fun, chronicle::make_histogram) |
identical(fun, chronicle::make_raincloud) |
identical(fun, chronicle::make_violin)){
plot_title <- paste0('Distribution of ', params$value, if(!is.null(params$groups)){paste(' by', params$groups)})
# dygraph
}else if(identical(fun, chronicle::make_dygraph)){
plot_title <- paste0('Evolution of ', params$value, if(!is.null(params$groups)){paste(' by', params$groups)})
# density
}else if(identical(fun, chronicle::make_lineplot) | identical(fun, chronicle::make_scatterplot)){
plot_title <- paste0(params$x, ' vs ', params$y, if(!is.null(params$groups)){paste(' by', params$groups)})
plot_title <- ''
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