merge_xifti: Concatenate '"xifti"'s

View source: R/merge_xifti.R

merge_xiftiR Documentation

Concatenate "xifti"s


Concatenate "xifti" objects along the columns. They must have the same brainstructures and resolutions. The first "xifti"'s metadata will be retained, including its intent.


merge_xifti(..., xifti_list = NULL)


..., xifti_list

Provide as arguments the "xifti"s to concatenate, OR the single argument xifti_list which should be a list of "xifti"s. (If xifti_list is provided all other inputs will be ignored.)


The concatenated "xifti"

See Also

Other manipulating xifti: add_surf(), apply_parc(), apply_xifti(), combine_xifti(), convert_to_dlabel(), move_to_mwall(), newdata_xifti(), remap_cifti(), remove_xifti(), resample_cifti(), resample_cifti_from_template(), scale_xifti(), select_xifti(), set_names_xifti(), smooth_cifti(), transform_xifti()

ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.