parc_mean_mat: Make parcellation mean matrix

View source: R/parc_utils.R

parc_mean_matR Documentation

Make parcellation mean matrix


Create a matrix that compute the average value for each parcel.





A single-column "dlabel" "xifti" object.


From a single-column "dlabel" "xifti" object, make a K \times V matrix where row k is a vector corresponding to the kth Key value, with 1/k_i at locations with that key value, and 0 elsewhere. k_i is the total number of locations inside Key k. So, the sum of each row will be 1, and each column will only have exactly one non-zero value (because each location only has one Key value) except medial wall locations will have all zeroes.

Multiplying the result of parc_mean_mat with a V \times T matrix of timeseries data, e.g. from as.matrix(dlabel_xii), will yield the average value for each Key.


The parcellation matrix

ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.