surface_plot_Params: Surface plot

surface_plot_ParamsR Documentation

Surface plot


Surface plot



Which view to display: "lateral", "medial", or "both". If NULL (default), both views will be shown. Each view will be plotted in a separate panel row.


Display the plot in an htmlwidget? Should be logical or NULL (default), in which case a widget will be used only if needed (length(idx)>1 & isFALSE(fname), fname is a file path to an .html file, or if rgl.useNULL()).


Optional title(s) for the plot(s). It will be printed at the top in a separate subplot with 1/4 the height of the brain cortex subplots.

Default: NULL will not use any title if length(idx)==1. Otherwise, it will use the time index (".dtseries") or name (.dscalar or .dlabel) of each data column.

To use a custom title(s), use a length 1 character vector (same title for each plot) or length length(idx) character vector (different title for each plot). Set to NULL or an empty character to omit the title.

If the title is non-empty but does not appear, try lowering cex.title.


Save the plot(s) (and color legend if applicable)?

If isFALSE(fname) (default), no files will be written.

If fname is a length-1 character vector ending in ".html", an html with an interactive widget will be written.

If neither of the cases above apply, a png image will be written for each idx. If isTRUE(fname) the files will be named by the data column names (underscores will replace spaces). Or, set fname to a length 1 character vector to name files by this suffix followed by the fname_suffix. Or, set fname to a character vector with the same length as idx to name the files exactly.


Either the data column names ("names") or the index value ("idx").


Font size multiplier for the title. NULL (default) will use 2 for titles less than 20 characters long, and smaller sizes for increasingly longer titles.


Color for text in title and colorbar legend. Default: "black".


Background color. NULL will use "white". Does not affect the color legend or color bar if printed separately: those will always have white backgrounds.


The color for the medial wall and NA values. Default: "white". Also used to color the entire surface for view_surf.


Transparency value for mesh coloring, between 0 and 1. Default: 1.0 (no transparency).


Outline each edge in this color. Default: NULL (do not outline the edges).


Draw each vertex in this color. Default: "black". Vertices are only drawn if vertex_size > 0


Draw each vertex with this size. Default: 0 (do not draw the vertices).


A list of materials from material3d to use. For example, list(lit=FALSE, smooth=FALSE) will use exact colors from the color scale, rather than adding geometric shading and interpolating vertex colors. If NULL, use defaults.

width, height

The dimensions of the RGL window, in pixels. If both are NULL (default), these dimensions depend on type of output (Open GL window or widget) and subplots (hemisphere, view, title, and slider_title) and are chosen to be the largest plot within a 1500 x 700 area (Open GL window) or 600 x 700 area (widget) that maintains a brain hemisphere subplot dimensions ratio of 10 x 7. Specifying only one will set the other to maintain this aspect ratio. Both can be specified to set the dimensions exactly, but note that the dimensions cannot be larger than the screen resolution. (These arguments do not affect the size of the legend, which cannot be controlled.)

The plot will be taller than height to accommodate a title or color bar.

If multiple idx are being composited with together, these arguments refer to a single idx within the composited plot, and not the composited plot itself.


Adjust the sizes of the brain meshes. Default: NULL (will be set to 0.6 or 160\ widget.)

ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.