
#' Given a TEST_API_KEY, create test resources on a CKAN site
#' @keywords internal
#' @details
#' \code{prepare_test_ckan} creates an example dataset, resource, organisation,
#' and group on \code{localhost:5000} for the test suite to use, and runs \code{ckanr_setup}
#' with the respective IDs.
#' The prerequisites for the tester is to run a CKAN site at
#' \code{localhost:5000} and provide the API key as R environment variable
#' \code{TEST_API_KEY}.
#' This function aims to simplify using \code{localhost:5000} as test instance.
#' @param test_url A test CKAN instance where we are allowed to create dummy resources
#' @param test_key A working API key for an account on the test instance
prepare_test_ckan <- function(test_url = "http://localhost:5000",
                              test_key = Sys.getenv("TEST_API_KEY")){
  if (test_key == "") {
    message("Please provide your API key as parameter 'test_key' or via Sys.setenv(TEST_API_KEY = \"my-api-key\")")
  } else {
    message("Setting up test CKAN instance...")
    # An example CSV file which should upload fine to the datastore
    path <- system.file("examples", "actinidiaceae.csv", package = "ckanr")

    # Save ourselves from using test_url and test_key
    ckanr_setup(url = test_url, key = test_key)

    try(organization_create(name = "ckanr_test_org",
                            title = "ckanr test org",
                            url = test_url,
                            key = test_key),
        silent = TRUE)
    o <- organization_show(id = "ckanr_test_org")

    try(group_create(name = "ckanr_test_group",
                     url = test_url,
                     key = test_key),
        silent = TRUE)
    g <- group_show(id = "ckanr_test_group")

    try(package_create(name = "ckanr_test_dataset",
                       title = "ckanr test dataset",
                       owner_org = o$id,
                       tags = list(list("name" = "ckanr"),
                                   list("name" = "test")),
                       url = test_url,
                       key = test_key),
        silent = TRUE)
    p <- package_show(id = "ckanr_test_dataset")

    r <- resource_create(package_id = p$id,
                         description = "my resource",
                         name = "ckanr test resource",
                         upload = path,
                         rcurl = "http://google.com")

    # Tags should get an entry in ckanr_setup / ckanr_settings
    # t <- tag_create(name = "web", vocabulary_id = "Testing1") ## 403
    # t <- tag_list()[[1]]

    # All together now
      url = test_url,
      key = test_key,
      test_url = test_url,
      test_key = test_key,
      test_did = p$id,
      test_rid = r$id,
      test_oid = o$id,
      test_gid = g$id
    message("CKAN test instance is set up.")


#' Test whether the configured test CKAN is offline
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom testthat skip
#' @details
#' \code{check_ckan} will allow a test to fail (and not hide error messages)
#' if \code{ckanr_setup(test_strict="TRUE")} was set.
#' \code{check_ckan} will allow a test to skip (and the test suite to pass)
#' if \code{ckanr_setup(test_strict)} was set to anything but the string "TRUE".
#' @param url A URL that shall be tested whether it is online
check_ckan <- function(url){
  # Strict tests shall not skip if there's problems with CKAN

  if (get_test_behaviour()=="SKIP" && !ping(url)) {
    skip(paste("CKAN is offline.",
               "Did you set CKAN test settings with ?ckanr_setup ?",
               "Does the test CKAN server run at", url, "?"))

#' Test whether the configured test CKAN resource exists
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom testthat skip
check_resource <- function(url, x){
  res <- resource_show(x, url = url)
  if (get_test_behaviour()=="SKIP" && !is(res, "list") && res$id != x) {
    skip(paste("The CKAN test resource wasn't found.",
               "Did you set CKAN test settings with ?ckanr_setup ?",
               "Does a resource with ID", x, "exist on", url, "?"))

#' Test whether the configured test CKAN dataset exists
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom testthat skip
check_dataset <- function(url, x){
  d <- package_show(x, url = url)
  if (get_test_behaviour()=="SKIP" && !is(d, "list") && d$id != x) {
    skip(paste("The CKAN test dataset wasn't found.",
               "Did you set CKAN test settings with ?ckanr_setup ?",
               "Does a dataset with ID", x, "exist on", url, "?"))

#' Test whether the configured test CKAN group exists
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom testthat skip
check_group <- function(url, x){
  grp <- group_show(x, url = url)
  if (get_test_behaviour()=="SKIP" && !is(grp, "list") && grp$id != x) {
    skip(paste("The CKAN test group wasn't found.",
               "Did you set CKAN test settings with ?ckanr_setup ?",
               "Does a dataset with slug", x, "exist on", url, "?"))

ok_group <- function(url, x){
  grp <- tryCatch(group_show(x, url = url), error = function(e) e)
  !inherits(grp, "error")

#' Test whether the configured test CKAN group exists
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom testthat skip
check_organization <- function(url, x){
  org <- organization_show(x, url = url)
  if (get_test_behaviour()=="SKIP" && !is(org, "list") && org$id != x) {
    skip(paste("The CKAN test group wasn't found.",
               "Did you set CKAN test settings with ?ckanr_setup ?",
               "Does an organization with slug", x, "exist on", url, "?"))

u <- get_test_url()

if (ping(u)) {
} else {
  message("CKAN is offline. Running tests that don't depend on CKAN.")

Try the ckanr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ckanr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:54 p.m.