classiFunc: Classification of Functional Data"

This vignette gives a quick introduction to the key features and functions included in the classiFunc package. Please use the Project Page to suggest new features or report bugs. This package offers an extensible and efficient implementation of k nearest neighbor classification for functional data.

The following chunk gives a quick introduction to the usage of the classiFunc package.


  # classification of the ArrowHead data set
  data("ArrowHead", package = "classiFunc")
  classes = ArrowHead[,"target"]

  # use 80% of data as training set and 20% as test set
  train_inds = sample(1:nrow(ArrowHead), size = 0.8 * nrow(ArrowHead), replace = FALSE)
  test_inds = (1:nrow(ArrowHead))[!(1:nrow(ArrowHead)) %in% train_inds]

  # create functional data as matrix with observations as rows
  fdata = ArrowHead[,!colnames(ArrowHead) == "target"]

  # create a k = 3 nearest neighbor classifier with Euclidean distance (default) of the
  # first order derivative of the data
  mod = classiKnn(classes = classes[train_inds], fdata = fdata[train_inds,],
                  nderiv = 1L, knn = 3L)
  # or create a kernel estimator with the global maxima distance proposed in Fuchs et al. 2016
  # check available semimetrics
  # create model
  mod2 = classiKernel(classes = classes[train_inds], fdata = fdata[train_inds,],
                      metric = "globMax")

  # predict the class labels for the test set
  pred = predict(mod, newdata =  fdata[test_inds,])

  # compute mean misclassification error
  mmcerr = mean(pred != classes[test_inds])

  # matrix with the prediction probabilities for the three classes
  pred.prob = predict(mod, newdata =  fdata[test_inds,], predict.type = "prob")

It is also possible to parallelize across batches (subsets) of data during prediction. This can lead to significant speed ups for models using computationally intensive distance metrics.

# Parallelize across 2 CPUs

# set up parallelization
parallelStartSocket(cpus = 2L) # parallelStartMulticore(cpus = 2L) for Linux

# predict in parallel
# specify parallel = TRUE and batchsize > 1L for parallelization
pred.parallel = predict(mod, newdata =  fdata[test_inds,], predict.type = "prob", parallel = TRUE, batches = 2L)

# clean up parallelization

# results do not change
all(pred.parallel == pred.prob)

All functionality of this package can also be accessed through the mlr package Project Page. For an introduction on how to use mlr check out the Online Tutorial. Currently, the learners are not merged into the Master branch of mlr. If you want to use the development version, please download the package from the Project Page. The following chunck gives a quick introduction on how to use the classiFunc learners in mlr.

# download and install the mlr branch containing the classiFunc learners
# devtools::install_github("maierhofert/mlr",
#                          ref = "classiFunc")

# classification of the ArrowHead data set
data("ArrowHead", package = "classiFunc")
# get the ArrowHead data into the functional data format of mlr
fArrowHead = makeFunctionalData(ArrowHead, exclude.cols = "target")

# use 80% of data as training data and 20% as test data
train_inds = sample(1:nrow(ArrowHead), size = 0.8 * nrow(ArrowHead), replace = FALSE)
test_inds = (1:nrow(ArrowHead))[!(1:nrow(ArrowHead)) %in% train_inds]

# create the classiKnn learner for classification of functional data
lrn = makeLearner("classif.classiFunc.knn", knn = 3)

# create a task from the training data
task = makeClassifTask(data = fArrowHead[train_inds,], target = "target")
# train the model on the training data task
m.mlr = train(lrn, task)

# predict the test data
pred = predict(m.mlr, newdata = fArrowHead[test_inds,])
measureMMCE(ArrowHead[test_inds, "target"], pred$data$response)

By using the mlr interface for this package, a multitude of new possibilities are available. One of the key features to be added by the mlr package is automatic hyperparameter tuning. In the following chunk a kernel estimator is created that automatically chooses its band width using cross validation.

# create the classiKernel learner for classification of functional data
lrn.kernel = makeLearner("classif.classiFunc.kernel", predict.type = "prob")

# create parameter set
parSet.bandwidth = makeParamSet(
  makeNumericParam(id = "h", lower = -5, upper = 5, trafo = function(x) 10 ^ x)

# control for tuning hyper parameters
# use higher resolution in application
ctrl = makeTuneControlGrid(resolution = 15L)

# create the tuned learner
lrn.bandwidth.tuned = makeTuneWrapper(learner = lrn.kernel, 
                                      resampling = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 5),
                                      measures = mmce,
                                      par.set = parSet.bandwidth,
                                      control = ctrl)

# train the model on the training data task
m.kern = train(lrn.bandwidth.tuned, task)

# predict the test data set
pred.kern = predict(m.kern, newdata = fArrowHead[test_inds,])
measureMMCE(ArrowHead[test_inds, "target"], pred.kern$data$response)

The Brier score optimal ensemble proposed in Fuchs et al. (2015), Nearest neighbor ensembles for functional data with interpretable feature selection, can also be reproduced using the implementation in mlr. A newly implemented stacked learner (method = 'bs.optimal.ensemble') aggregates the individual base learners to an ensemble learner by creating a weighted mean of their individual predictions. Other ensemble learners can easily be created using other stacked learners implemented in mlr.


create the base learners

b.lrn1 = makeLearner("classif.classiFunc.knn", id = "Manhattan.lrn", par.vals = list(metric = "Manhattan"), predict.type = "prob") b.lrn2 = makeLearner("classif.classiFunc.knn", id = "mean.lrn", par.vals = list(metric = "mean"), predict.type = "prob") b.lrn3 = makeLearner("classif.classiFunc.knn", id = "globMax.lrn", par.vals = list(metric = "globMax"), predict.type = "prob")


create an ensemble learner as porposed in Fuchs et al. (2015)

the default uses leave-one-out CV to estimate the weights of the base learners as proposed in the original paper

set resampling to CV for faster run time.

ensemble.lrn = makeStackedLearner(base.learners = list(b.lrn1, b.lrn2, b.lrn3), predict.type = "prob", resampling = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 10L), method = "")

create another ensemble learner using random forest as a super learner

rf.ensemble.lrn = makeStackedLearner(base.learners = list(b.lrn1, b.lrn2, b.lrn3), super.learner = "classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob", method = "")

train the models on the training data task

ensemble.m = train(ensemble.lrn, task) rf.ensemble.m = train(rf.ensemble.lrn, task)

predict the test data set

ensemble.pred = predict(ensemble.m, newdata = fArrowHead[test_inds,]) rf.ensemble.pred = predict(rf.ensemble.m, newdata = fArrowHead[test_inds,])

compute mean misclassification error

measureMMCE(ArrowHead[test_inds, "target"], ensemble.pred$data$response) measureMMCE(ArrowHead[test_inds, "target"], rf.ensemble.pred$data$response)


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classiFunc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:04 a.m.