
context("Tests of the xml parser")

test_that("check original filename",
  # with no changes
  file_input_orig <- "and_its_file.xml"
  file_input <- paste("/this/is/a/path/", file_input_orig, sep="")

  # with a suffix
  file_input <- "/this/is/a/path/and_its_file.xml_00.part"

  # with multiple xmls
  file_input <- "/this/is/a/path/and_its_file.xml_00.xml.part"

  # extracting different extension
  file_input <- "/this/is/a/path/and_its_file.xml.txt.part"
  expect_equal(extract_file_origin(file_input, removestr='.txt'),
               paste(file_input_orig, ".txt", sep=""))

test_that("load xml file", 

test_that("check first patient heart rate (2d)",

test_that("check patients nhs number and pas number (1d)", 

test_that("test searching",


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cleanEHR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m.