
# Tests of the rewireCpp function

# currently converting graphs to edgelists to check for equality, because it 
# seems some metadata of igraphs object prevents identical graphs created at 
# different times from being identical igraph objects. 
####### IMPORTANT: figure this out ############

test_that("trivial test. checks that the graph remains invariant when running 
      rewireCpp with 0 iterations",{
    data("karate", package = "igraphdata")
    expect_equal(igraph_to_edgelist(rewireCpp(karate, Q=0)), 

test_that("Check that total edge weight remains invariant with rewireCpp",{
    total_weight <- function(g) {
        sum(as_adjacency_matrix(g, attr="weight"))
                 total_weight( rewireCpp(karate, Q=10, weight_sel="max_weight") ) )
                 total_weight( rewireCpp(g_forex, Q=10, weight_sel="const_var") ) )

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