Man pages for clusterSim
Searching for Optimal Clustering Procedure for a Data Set

cluster.DescriptionDescriptive statistics calculated separately for each cluster...
cluster.GenRandom cluster generation with known structure of clusters
cluster.SimDetermination of optimal clustering procedure for a data set
comparing.PartitionsCalculate agreement indices between two partitions
data_binaryBinary data
data_intervalInterval data
data_mixedMixed data
data_nominalNominal data
data.NormalizationTypes of variable (column) and object (row) normalization...
data_ordinalOrdinal data
data_patternGDM1Metric data with 17 objects and 10 variables (8 stimulant...
data_patternGDM2Ordinal data with 27 objects and 6 variables (3 stimulant...
data_ratioRatio data
data_symbolicSymbolic interval data
data_symbolic_interval_polish_voivodshipsThe evaluation of Polish voivodships tourism attractiveness...
dist.BCCalculates Bray-Curtis distance measure for ratio data
dist.GDMCalculates Generalized Distance Measure
dist.SMCalculates Sokal-Michener distance measure for nominal...
dist.SymbolicCalculates distance between interval-valued symbolic data
HINoV.ModModification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic...
HINoV.SymbolicModification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic...
index.CCalculates Hubert & Levin C index - internal cluster quality...
index.DBCalculates Davies-Bouldin's index
index.G1Calculates Calinski-Harabasz pseudo F-statistic
index.G2Calculates G2 internal cluster quality index
index.G3Calculates G3 internal cluster quality index
index.GAPCalculates Tibshirani, Walther and Hastie gap index
index.HCalculates Hartigan index
index.KLCalculates Krzanowski-Lai index
index.SCalculates Rousseeuw's Silhouette internal cluster quality...
initial.CentersCalculation of initial clusters centers for k-means like...
interval_normalizationTypes of normalization formulas for interval-valued symbolic...
ordinalToMetricReinforcing measurement scale for ordinal data
pattern.GDM1An application of GDM1 distance for metric data to compute...
pattern.GDM2An application of GDM2 distance for ordinal data to compute...
plotCategorialPlot categorial data on a scatterplot matrix
plotIntervalPlot symbolic interval-valued data on a scatterplot matrix
replication.ModModification of replication analysis for cluster validation
shapes.blocks3dGeneration of data set containing two clusters with untypical...
shapes.circles2Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical...
shapes.circles3Generation of data set containing three clusters with...
shapes.two.moonGeneration of data set containing two clusters with untypical...
shapes.wormsGeneration of data set containing two clusters with untypical...
specclA spectral clustering algorithm
clusterSim documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:54 p.m.