biplots: Biplots of co-correspondence analysis models

biplot-methodsR Documentation

Biplots of co-correspondence analysis models


Produces biplots of the response and predictor from the results of a co-correspondence analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'symcoca'
    which = "y1",
    choices = 1:2,
    benzecri = TRUE,
    type = NULL,
    xlim = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    col.species = "red",
    col.sites = "black",
    pch.species = 3,
    pch.sites = 1,
    cex = 0.7,
    main = "",
    sub = "",
    ylab, xlab,
    ann = par("ann"),
    axes = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'predcoca'
    which = "response",
    choices = 1:2,
    type = NULL,
    xlim = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    col.species = "red",
    col.sites = "black",
    pch.species = 3,
    pch.sites = 1,
    cex = 0.7,
    main = "",
    sub = "",
    ylab, xlab,
    ann = par("ann"),
    axes = TRUE,



an object of class "symcoca", the result of a call to symcoca.


character; should the response or predictor scores be plotted. Can be specified in several ways: response choices are one from c("y", "Y", "y1", "response"); predictor choices are one from c("x", "X", "y2", "predictor").


a vector of length 2 indicating which predictive CoCA axes to plot.


logical, should a Benzecri plot be drawn? Such plots draw species scores, scaled by the quarter root of the respective eigenvalues, with unscaled site scores. A Benzecri plot is the recommended biplot for symmetric CoCA. See scores.symcoca.


one of "points", or "text". Determines how the site and species scores are displayed. If type = "points", scores are plotted as points. If type = "text", then the row names of the scores matrices are plotted.

xlim, ylim

limits for the x and y axes. If non supplied, suitable limits will be determined from the data.

col.species, col.sites, pch.species, pch.sites

colours and plotting characters used when plotting the species and sites scores.


numeric; scaling factor when drawing points or text labels.

xlab, ylab

labels for the x and y axes. If non supplied suitable labels are formed from the result object.

main, sub

the main and sub titles for the plot.


logical, if TRUE plots are annotated and not if FALSE, currently ignored.


a logical value indicating whether axes and plot border should be drawn on the plot.


other graphical parameters as in 'par' may also be passed as arguments.


Gavin L. Simpson.


Ter Braak, C.J.F and Schaffers, A.P. (2004) Co-Correspondence Analysis: a new ordination method to relate two community compositions. Ecology 85(3), 834–846

See Also

coca, plot.default


## symmetric CoCA

## log transform the beetle data
beetles <- log(beetles + 1)

## fit the model
bp.sym <- coca(beetles ~ ., data = plants, method = "symmetric")

## draw a biplot of the beetle results

## biplot of both - Fig 1 in ter Braak & Schaffers (2004)
layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 2))
biplot(bp.sym, which = "y1", main = "Beetles")
biplot(bp.sym, which = "y2", main = "Plants")

## predictive CoCA
bp.pred <- coca(beetles ~ ., data = plants)

## draw a biplot of the response

## recreate Fig 3 in ter Braak & Schaffers (2004)
layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 2))
biplot(bp.pred, which = "response", main = "Beetles")
biplot(bp.pred, which = "predictor", main = "Plants")

cocorresp documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:08 a.m.