
Defines functions stopping_time_terminus assert_sane_parameterication

Documented in assert_sane_parameterication stopping_time_terminus

#' Collatz
#' Functions related to the Collatz/Syracuse/3N+1 problem.
#' Provides the basic functionality to interact with the Collatz conjecture.
#' The parameterisation uses the same (P,a,b) notation as Conway's generalisations.
#' Besides the function and reverse function, there is also functionality to retrieve
#' the hailstone sequence, the "stopping time"/"total stopping time", or tree-graph.
#' The only restriction placed on parameters is that both P and a can't be 0.
#' @docType package
#' @name collatz
#' @import gmp


# An environment for constants related to the Collatz package, primarily for testing purposes.
Collatz <- new.env()

# The four known cycles for the standard parameterisation, as ints.
Collatz$KNOWN.CYCLES <- list(list(1, 4, 2), list(-1, -2), list(-5, -14, -7, -20, -10),
    list(-17, -50, -25, -74, -37, -110, -55, -164, -82, -41, -122, -61, -182, -91, -272, -136, -68, -34))
lockBinding("KNOWN.CYCLES", Collatz)

# The current value up to which the standard parameterisation has been verified.
Collatz$VERIFIED.MAXIMUM <- as.bigz("295147905179352825856")
lockBinding("VERIFIED.MAXIMUM", Collatz)

# The current value down to which the standard parameterisation has been verified.
# TODO: Check the actual lowest bound.
Collatz$VERIFIED.MINIMUM <- -272
lockBinding("VERIFIED.MINIMUM", Collatz)

# Error message constants
Collatz$SaneParameterErrMsg <- list(P="'P' should not be 0 ~ violates modulo being non-zero.", A="'a' should not be 0 ~ violates the reversability.")
lockBinding("SaneParameterErrMsg", Collatz)

# SequenceState for Cycle Control: Descriptive flags to indicate when some
# event occurs in the hailstone sequences or tree graph reversal, when set to
# verbose, or stopping time check. Create as an S3 class.
Collatz$SequenceState <- list(
lockBinding("SequenceState", Collatz)

#' Sane Parameter Check
#' Handles the sanity check for the parameterisation (P,a,b)
#' Required by both the function and reverse function, to assert that they
#' have sane parameters, otherwise will force stop the execution.
#' @param P Modulus used to devide n, iff n is equivalent to (0 mod P).
#' @param a Factor by which to multiply n.
#' @param b Value to add to the scaled value of n.
assert_sane_parameterication <- function(P, a, b) {
    # Sanity check (P,a,b) ~ P absolutely can't be 0. a "could" be zero
    # theoretically, although would violate the reversability (if ~a is 0 then a
    # value of "b" as the input to the reverse function would have a pre-emptive
    # value of every number not divisible by P). The function doesn't _have_ to
    # be reversable, but we are only interested in dealing with the class of
    # functions that exhibit behaviour consistant with the collatz function. If
    # _every_ input not divisable by P went straight to "b", it would simply
    # cause a cycle consisting of "b" and every b/P^z that is an integer. While
    # P in [-1, 1] could also be a reasonable check, as it makes every value
    # either a 1 or 2 length cycle, it's not strictly an illegal operation.
    # "b" being zero would cause behaviour not consistant with the collatz
    # function, but would not violate the reversability, so no check either.
    # " != 0" is redundant for python assertions.
    if (P == 0) stop(Collatz$SaneParameterErrMsg$P)
    if (a == 0) stop(Collatz$SaneParameterErrMsg$A)

#' Stopping Time Terminus
#' Provides the appropriate lambda to use to check if iterations on an initial
#' value have reached either the stopping time, or total stopping time.
#' @param n The initial value to confirm against a stopping time check.
#' @param total_stop If false, the lambda will confirm that iterations of n
#'    have reached the oriented stopping time to reach a value closer to 0.
#'    If true, the lambda will simply check equality to 1.
#' @returns An anonymous function to check for the stopping time.
stopping_time_terminus <- function(n, total_stop) {
	if (total_stop) {
		return(function(x) { return(x==1) })
	} else if (n >= 0) {
		return(function(x) { return ((x < n) && (x > 0)) })
	} else {
		return(function(x) { return ((x > n) && (x < 0)) })

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collatz documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 9:06 a.m.