
Defines functions symbol_size plot_matrix get_gradient c4a_plot_CR_matrix c4a_plot_dist_matrix sim_cvd get_dist_matrix get_CR_matrix

get_CR_matrix = function(p) {
	n = length(p)

	m = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:n, function(i) {
		sapply(p, function(pj) colorspace::contrast_ratio(p[i], pj))
	diag(m) = NA


get_dist_matrix = function(p, cvd = c("none", "deutan", "protan", "tritan"), whole_matrix = FALSE, bgcol = NULL) {
	cvd = match.arg(cvd)
	m = if (cvd == "none") {
		palette_dist_bg(p, bgcol = bgcol)
	} else {
		palette_dist_bg(p, cvd = substr(cvd, 1, 3), bgcol = bgcol)
	if (whole_matrix) {
		m[lower.tri(m)] = t(m)[lower.tri(m)]

sim_cvd = function(pal, cvd = c("none", "deutan", "protan", "tritan")) {
	cvd = match.arg(cvd)
	       none = function(x) x,
		   deutan = colorspace::deutan,
		   protan = colorspace::protan,
		   tritan = colorspace::tritan)(pal)

c4a_plot_dist_matrix = function(p, id1 = NULL, id2 = NULL, cvd = "none", dark = FALSE, title = "Delta E", advanced = FALSE, bc_adj = FALSE) {
	plot_matrix(p = p, id1 = id1, id2 = id2, type = "dist", cvd = cvd, dark = dark, title = title, advanced = advanced, bc_adj = bc_adj)

c4a_plot_CR_matrix = function(p, id1 = NULL, id2 = NULL, cvd = "none", dark = FALSE, title = "Contrast ratio", advanced = FALSE) {
	plot_matrix(p = p, id1 = id1, id2 = id2, type = "CR", cvd = cvd, dark = dark, title = title, advanced = advanced)

get_gradient = function(v) pmin(1, (v/100) ^ (0.25))

plot_matrix = function(p, id1 = NULL, id2 = NULL, type = c("CR", "dist"), cvd = "none", dark = FALSE, title = "Contrast ratio", advanced = FALSE, bc_adj = FALSE) {
	n = length(p)
	type = match.arg(type)

	pchs = .C4A$matrix_pchs[[type]]
	sizes = .C4A$matrix_sizes[[type]]
	texts = .C4A$matrix_interval_labels[[type]]

	m = if (type == "CR") {
	} else {
		bgcol = if (!bc_adj) {
		} else if (dark) {
		} else "#FFFFFF"
		get_dist_matrix(p, cvd = cvd, whole_matrix = TRUE, bgcol = bgcol)

	p = sim_cvd(p, cvd)

	#m[lower.tri(m)] = NA

	cex = min(1, 12 / n)
	cex2 = min(1, 8 / n)

	cellplot = function(rw, cl, e) {
		grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = rw, layout.pos.col = cl))


	fc = ifelse(dark, "#FFFFFF", "#000000")
	bc = ifelse(dark, "#000000", "#FFFFFF")

	grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(fill = bc, col = NA))

	grey_dark = function(level, dark) {
		grDevices::grey(if (dark) {1 - level} else level)

	din = par("din")
	cr = din[1] / din[2]
	if (cr > 1.25) {
		grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(width = grid::unit(1.25, "snpc"), height = grid::unit(1, "snpc"), gp = grid::gpar(cex = cex)))
	} else {
		grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(width = grid::unit(1, "snpc"), height = grid::unit(0.8, "snpc"), gp = grid::gpar(cex = cex)))

	grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 2, widths = c(0.8, 0.2))))

	cellplot(1, 1, {
		grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(width = 0.9, height = 0.9))
		grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(nrow = n + 1, ncol = n + 1)))

		cellplot(2:(n+1), 2:(n+1), {
			grid::grid.lines(x = c(0,1), y = c(1, 0), gp = grid::gpar(lwd = 2, col = fc))

		for (i in 1:n) {
			cellplot(i+1, 1, {
				grid::grid.rect(width = 0.9, height = 0.9, gp=grid::gpar(fill = p[i]))
				if (!is.null(id1) && i == id1) {
					grid::grid.circle(r = 0.17, gp = grid::gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF", col = NA))
					grid::grid.circle(r = 0.1, gp = grid::gpar(fill = NA, col = "#000000", lwd = 2))
			cellplot(1, i+1, {
				grid::grid.rect(width = 0.9, height = 0.9, gp=grid::gpar(fill = p[i]))
				if (!is.null(id2) && i == id2) {
					grid::grid.circle(r = 0.17, gp = grid::gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF", col = NA))
					grid::grid.circle(r = 0.1, gp = grid::gpar(fill = NA, col = "#000000", lwd = 2))
			for (j in 1:n) {
				v = m[i,j]
				gry = if (i==j) 0 else get_gradient(v)

				if (is.na(v)) next
#if (v>2 && v < 4.5) browser()
				s = symbol_size(v, type)

				cellplot(i+1,j+1, {
					if (advanced) {
						if (any(gry < 0)) browser()
						grid::grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.75, width = 0.95, height = 0.45, gp = grid::gpar(fill = grey_dark(gry, dark), col = NA))
						grid::grid.text(sprintf("%.2f", v), x = 0.5, y = 0.25, gp = grid::gpar(col = fc, cex = cex2))
						if (!is.null(id1) && !is.null(id2) && id1[1] == i && id2[1] == j) {
							grid::grid.rect(height = 1, width = 1, gp = grid::gpar(fill = NA, col = fc, lwd = 2.5, lty = "dashed"))
					} else {
						grid::grid.points(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, pch = pchs[s], size = grid::unit(sizes[s], units = "lines"), gp = grid::gpar(col = fc))
						if (!is.null(id1) && !is.null(id2) && id1[1] == i && id2[1] == j) {
							grid::grid.circle(r = 0.4, gp = grid::gpar(fill = NA, col = fc, lwd = 1.5, lty = "dotted"))


	cellplot(1, 2, {
		if (advanced) {
			texts = c(5, 10, 20, 30, 50)
			grs = get_gradient(texts)

			grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(nrow = length(texts) + 3L,
																		 ncol = 5,
																		 widths = grid::unit(c(0.25, 2, 0.25, 1, 1), units = c("lines", "lines", "lines", "null", "lines")),
																		 heights = grid::unit(rep(1.25, length(texts)+2L), units = c(rep("lines", length(texts)+2L), "null")))))

			cellplot(2, 2, {
				grid::grid.text(title, x = 0, just = "left")
			for (i in 1:length(texts)) {
				cellplot(2 + i, 2, {
					grid::grid.rect(height = 0.8, gp = grid::gpar(fill = grey_dark(grs[i], dark), col = NA))
				cellplot(2 + i, 4, {
					grid::grid.text(texts[i], x = 0, just = "left", gp = grid::gpar(col = fc, cex = 0.9))

		} else {
			grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(nrow = length(texts) + 3L,
																		 ncol = 5,
																		 widths = grid::unit(c(0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 1), units = c("lines", "lines", "lines", "null", "lines")),
																		 heights = grid::unit(rep(1.25, length(texts)+2L), units = c(rep("lines", length(texts)+2L), "null")))))

			cellplot(2, 2, {
				grid::grid.text(title, x = 0, just = "left")
			for (i in 1:length(texts)) {
				cellplot(2 + i, 2, {
					grid::grid.points(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, pch = pchs[i], size = grid::unit(sizes[i], units = "lines"), gp = grid::gpar(col = fc))
				cellplot(2 + i, 4, {
					grid::grid.text(texts[i], x = 0, just = "left", gp = grid::gpar(col = fc, cex = 0.9))




symbol_size = function(cr, type) {
	brks = .C4A$matrix_breaks[[type]]
	#brks_digits = .C4A$matrix_breaks_digits[type]
	#cr = round(cr, brks_digits)
	id = which(cr <= brks[-1])[1]
	if (is.na(id)) id = length(brks)

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cols4all documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:27 a.m.