
Defines functions print.combtest

#' @export
print.combtest <- function(x, ...) {
  msg1 <- paste(" Test:\t", x$test, "\n")
  msg2 <- paste("Data:\t", x$data_name, "\n")
  msg3 <- paste("Piepho Test: Statistic = ", round(x$Piepho_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$Piepho_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg4 <- paste("Boik Test: Statistic = ", round(x$Boik_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$Boik_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg5 <- paste("Malik Test: Statistic = ", round(x$Malik_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$Malik_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg6 <- paste("KKM Test: Statistic = ", round(x$KKM_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$KKM_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg7 <- paste("KKSA Test: Statistic = ", round(x$KKSA_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$KKSA_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg8 <- paste("Franck Test: Statistic = ", round(x$Franck_Stat, 5), ", Pvalue = ", round(x$Franck_pvalue, 5), "\n")
  msg9 <- paste("Bonferroni method: Pvalue =", round(x$Bonferroni, 5), "\n")
  msg10 <- paste("Sidak method: Pvalue =", round(x$Sidak, 5), "\n")
  msg11 <- paste("Jacobi method: Pvalue =", round(x$Jacobi, 5), "\n")
  msg12 <- paste("Gaussian copula: Pvalue =", round(x$GC, 5), "\n")
  msg15 <- paste("------------------------------------------------", "\n")
  msg13 <- paste0("A report on the combined interaction test:", "\n")
  msg14 <- paste(x$Result, "\n")
  cat((msg1), (msg2), (msg3), (msg4), (msg5), (msg6), (msg7), (msg8), (msg9), (msg10), (msg11), (msg12), (msg15), justify(c(msg13, msg14)), "\n")

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combinIT documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 9:05 a.m.