Man pages for comf
Models and Equations for Human Comfort Research

calc2NodeComfort Indices based on the 2-Node-Model
calcADPPD with Ankle Draft
calcaPMVAdaptive Predicted Mean Votes
calcATHBpmvPMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework of...
calcATHBpmv2015PMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework
calcATHBptsPredicted Thermal Sensation by Gagge using Adaptive Thermal...
calcATHBsetSET based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework
calcATHBstandardPMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework for the...
calcATHBxPMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework for the...
calcAvgAccAverage Accuracy between Predicted and Actual Thermal...
calcBiasBias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcCECooling Effect
calcComfIndThermal Comfort Indices using a List of Climatic Conditions
calcDiscPredicted Discomfort based on the 2-Node-Model
calcdTNZdTNZ, the Distance from the Thermoneutral Zone
calcepCoeffCoefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcePMVAdjusted Predicted Mean Votes with Expectancy Factor
calcETEffective Temperature based on the 2-Node-Model
calcHbExSteadyHuman Body Exergy Consumption Rate Using Steady State Method
calcHbExUnsteadyHuman Body Exergy Consumption Rate using Unsteady State...
calcIREQIREQ and Dlim
calcIso7933Heat Strain Indices based on ISO 7933
calcMixRVarious Humidity Related Values
calcMRTglobeMRT calculation based on standard and mixed convection
calcPDPredicted Percentage Dissatisfied due to Draft based on the...
calcPMVPredicted Mean Votes (PMV)
calcPMVadjPredicted Mean Votes adjusted for elevated air speed
calcPMVGaggeGagge's Version of Fanger's PMV based on the 2-Node-Model
calcPMVStarFanger's PMV using SET* for DRY
calcPPDPredicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD)
calcPSPredicted Percentage Satisfied with the Level of Air Movement...
calcPTSPredicted Thermal Sensation Vote based on SET
calcPtsaPredicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted...
calcPtsePredicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted...
calcRTRequired recovery time
calcSETStandard Effective Temperature (SET)
calcSkinWettednessSkin Wettedness based on the 2-Node-Model
calcSolarGainSolar Gain
calctAdapt15251Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calcTNZPDFValues related to TNZ approach
calcTPRTSVTrue Positive Rate between Predicted and Actual Thermal...
calcTroinRadiative and Operative Temperature
calcTSensPredicted Thermal Sensation based on the 2-Node-Model
calcTWCWindchill temperature (TWC)
calcUTCIUniversal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI)
calcVTGPPD with Vertical Air Temperature Gradient
comf-internalInternal Functions Used by Other Functions of this Package
comf-packageCalculation and Evaluation of Common and Less Common Comfort...
createCondCreating a List with Standard Values
cutTSVCategorizing Thermal Sensation Votes
dfASHRAETableG11Calibration data for SET
dfFieldField data example
dfISO7730AppECalibration data for PMV
dfISO7730TableD1Calibration data for PMV and PPD
dfISO7933AppFCalibration data for Tre, SWtotg, Dlimtre, Dlimloss50,...
dfSolarGainValuesDataset with Different Combinations of Inputs to Calculate...
dfUTCIValuesDataset with Different Combinations of Inputs to Calculate...
dfVariablesList of all the variables used in this package
comf documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:02 a.m.