calcepCoeff: Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS

View source: R/calcCOEFF.R

calcepCoeffR Documentation

Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS


The functions calcCOEFF calculate the coefficients necessary for apmv, epmv, apts, and epts based on a given dataset with actual comfort votes. calcapCoeff calculates lambda the adaptive coefficients for apmv, calcepCoeff calculates e the expectancy factor for epmv, calcasCoeff calculates lambda the adaptive coefficients for apts, calcesCoeff calculates e the expectancy factor for epts.








a list with vectors for the necessary variables (see details) .


calcCOEFF returns the adaptive coefficient lambda or expectancy factor depending on its call.


For calcapCoeff and calcepCoeff, lsCond should contain the following variables: ta, tr, vel, rh, clo, met, wme, asv (see createCond for details). In case one or more of these variables are not included in the list, standard values will be used.

For calcasCoeff and calcesCoeff, lsCond should contain the following variables: ta, tr, vel, rh, clo, met, wme, pb, ltime, ht, wt, asv (see createCond for details). In case one or more of these variables are not included in the list, standard values will be used.


Marcel Schweiker.


Coefficients are calculated based on Gao, J.; Wang, Y. and Wargocki, P. Comparative analysis of modified PMV models and set models to predict human thermal sensation in naturally ventilated buildings Building and Environment, 2015, 92, 200-208.

The aPMV concept was introduced by Yao, Li & Liu (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.02.014>

The epmv concept was introudced by Fanger & Toftum (2002) <doi:10.1016/S0378-7788(02)00003-8>

See Also

see also calcaPMV, calcePMV, calcPtsa, calcPtse


## Note. Due to random generated asv values. The values for the coefficients will not be meaningful.
## Create sample data
ta  <- 20:24      # vector with air temperature values
tr  <- ta         # vector with radiant temperature values
vel <- rep(.1,5)  # vector with air velocities
rh  <- rep(50,5)  # vector with relative humidity values
clo <- rep(1.0,5) # vector with clo values
met <- rep(1.1,5) # vector with metabolic rates
asv <- rnorm(5)   # vector with actual sensation votes

lsCond <- as.list(data.frame(ta,tr,vel,rh,clo,met,asv))

## Calculate coefficients


## use coefficients to calculate apmv
lsCond$apCoeff[1] <- calcapCoeff(lsCond)$apCoeff
calcComfInd(lsCond, request="apmv")

comf documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:02 a.m.