calcTroin: Radiative and Operative Temperature

View source: R/calcTroin.R

calcTroinR Documentation

Radiative and Operative Temperature


The functions calcTroin calculates radiative and operative temperature based on air temperature, globe temperature, air velocity and metabolic rate. Globe temperature needs to be measured using a standard globe with a diameter of 0.15m and an emissivity of .95 (black coloured).


calcTroin(vel, tg, ta, met)

calctroin(vel, tg, ta, met)

Troin(vel, tg, ta, met)

troin(vel, tg, ta, met)



a numeric value presenting air velocity in [m/s]


a numeric value or vector presenting the globe temperature in [degree C]


a numeric value presenting air temperature in [degree C]


a numeric value presenting metabolic rate in [met]


Calculation of the radiative temperature is based on ISO 7726:2001, equation (9). Calculation of operative temperature is based on ISO 7726:2001, Appendix G.3. The adjustment of air velocity to present relative air velocity based on metabolic rate is based on ISO 7730:2005 Appendix C.2.


calcTroin returns a data.frame with radiative and operative temperature.


Marcel Schweiker. Further contribution by Shoaib Sarwar.


ISO 7726 Ergonomics of the Thermal Environment, Instruments for measuring Physical Quantities Geneva: International standard Organization, 1998.

ISO 7730 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the pmv and ppd indices and local thermal comfort criteria 2005.


## Note: Due to random generated asv values. The values for the coefficients will not be meaningful.
## Create sample data
ta  <- 20:24      # vector with air temperature values
vel <- rep(.1,5)  # vector with air velocities
met <- rep(1.1,5) # vector with metabolic rates
tg <- 25:29       # vector with globe temperature values

calcTroin(vel, tg, ta, met)

comf documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:02 a.m.