
Defines functions two.level.components

Documented in two.level.components

#' Compute integrated means and covariances
#' Takes a large sample from the background population and calculates the within
#' and between covariance matrices, a vector of means, a vector of the counts of
#' replicates for each item from the sample, and other bits needed to make up a
#' `compcovar` object.
#' @param data a `matrix`, or `data.frame`, of observations, with cases in rows,
#'   and properties as columns
#' @param data.columns a `vector` indicating which columns are the properties
#' @param item.column an integer indicating which column gives the item
#' @details Uses ML estimation at the moment - this will almost certainly change in the future and
#' hopefully allow regularisation methods to get a more stable (and non-singular) estimate.
#' @return an object of class `compvar`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load Greg Zadora's glass data
#' data(glass)
#' # calculate a compcovar object based upon glass
#' # using K, Ca and Fe - warning - could take time
#' # on slower machines
#' Z = two.level.components(glass, c(7,8,9), 1)
two.level.components = function(data, data.columns, item.column) {
    ## Compute integrated means and covariances function does univariate and
    ## multivariate in one function. This function may be used for balanced and
    ## unbalanced data so long as the imbalance is not extreme. Requires: data, a data
    ## frame of variables and factors data.columns integer vector indicating which
    ## columns in data contain the measurements item.column integer scalar indicating
    ## which column contains the item labels: items are the top level of variability
    ## returns: v.within real p*p matrix where p is the number of variables,
    ## estimate of the within fragment covariance matrix v.between real p*p matrix
    ## where p is the number of variables - the between items covariance matrix
    ## n.observations total number of observations - 1*1 integer n.items number of
    ## items - 1*1 integer item.n integer: number of fragments for each item - of
    ## length n.fragments item.means real j*p matrix where j is the number of groups
    ## and p number of variables n.vars integer: number of contnuous variables
    ## overall.means p*1 real vector of means for all variables for all observations
    ## multivariate logical T/F indicates whether multivariate balanced logical T/F
    ## indicates whether the replication is balanced warn.type character - the type
    ## of warning(s) issued - crude for the moment notes: works by getting the
    ## nested means first, then calculating the covariance components from these
    ## using weighted estimates missing values: crudely handled by mean(x,
    ## na.rm=TRUE) to stop any NA's from crashing the function - not very well
    ## implemented in this version
    # set the warn.type as none - then add in as warnings accrue
    warn.type = "none"
    ## COMMON 
    ## clean the data a bit - get rid of NA rows - crude and may lead to cases with n<2 which is tested for later
    if (any(is.na(data))) {
        warning("data contains NAs - cases removed", immediate. = FALSE, call. = FALSE)
        warn.type = "NAs"
        data = data[complete.cases(data), ]
    # definitions and declarations
    vars = names(data)[data.columns]
    n.vars = length(vars)
    multivariate.flag = n.vars > 1
    n.observations = nrow(data)
    items = unique(data[, item.column])
    n.items = length(items)
    item.n = matrix(0, nrow = n.items, ncol = 1)
    rownames(item.n) = items
    colnames(item.n) = "n"
    item.means = matrix(0, nrow = n.items, ncol = n.vars)
    rownames(item.means) = items
    colnames(item.means) = vars
    # means for all cases not affected by imbalance - names attribute awkward
    # overall mean calculation now even more awkward as comMeans now fussy about
    # getting a matrix rather than a vector so colMeans OK if multivariate -
    # otherwise mean
    if (multivariate.flag) {
        overall.means = colMeans(data[, data.columns], na.rm = TRUE)
        overall.means = mean(data[, data.columns], na.rm = TRUE)
        names(overall.means) = vars
    # overall.means = colMeans(dat[,data.columns], na.rm=TRUE); if(!multivariate.flag){names(overall.means) = vars}
    # debugging assign('kk', overall.means, env=.GlobalEnv)
    s.w = matrix(0, nrow = n.vars, ncol = n.vars)
    row.names(s.w) = vars
    colnames(s.w) = vars
    s.star = s.w
    ## multivariate ##
    if (multivariate.flag) {
        # pick out the observations for each level of the grouping factor then get the mean and the sum of squared deviations (S.w)
        for (ctr in 1:n.items) {
            current.item = data[data[, item.column] == items[ctr], ]
            item.n[ctr] = nrow(current.item)
            # trap cases with too few replicates to calculate a mean from - fatal if it occurs
            if (item.n[ctr] < 2) {
                stop("too few replicates in an item")
            item.means[ctr, ] = apply(current.item[, data.columns], 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
            # for each observation calculate the SS dev component
            for (ctr1 in 1:item.n[ctr]) {
                s.w = s.w + (item.n[ctr] * ((as.numeric(current.item[ctr1, data.columns] - item.means[ctr, ]) %*% t(as.numeric(current.item[ctr1, 
                  data.columns] - item.means[ctr, ])))))
            # the between sum of squared deviations between the item means and overall mean - OK for unbalanced at the moment
            s.star = s.star + (item.n[ctr] * (((item.means[ctr, ] - overall.means) %*% t(item.means[ctr, ] - overall.means))))
    ## univariate ##
    if (!multivariate.flag) 
        # slightly different for univariate case
        # define the outputs as zero
        s.w = 0
        s.star = 0
        for (ctr in 1:n.items) {
            current.item = data[data[, item.column] == items[ctr], ]
            item.n[ctr] = nrow(current.item)
            # differs from multivariate case
            item.means[ctr] = mean(current.item[, data.columns], na.rm = TRUE)
            # for each observation calculate the SS dev component
            for (ctr1 in 1:item.n[ctr]) {
                s.w = s.w + (item.n[ctr] * ((current.item[ctr1, data.columns] - item.means[ctr])^2))
            # the between sum of squared deviations between the item means and overall mean - OK for unbalanced at the moment
            s.star = s.star + (item.n[ctr] * ((item.means[ctr, ] - overall.means)^2))
        s.w = as.matrix(s.w)
        rownames(s.w) = vars
        colnames(s.w) = vars
        s.star = as.matrix(s.star)
        rownames(s.star) = vars
        colnames(s.star) = vars
    # both s.w and s.b are pretty well cetain to be correct as I have gotten the same values from different independently written functions -
    # the final evaluation of C and U is less certain - these need a good checking give the sums of squared deviations as part of the output
    s.w = s.w * (n.items/n.observations)
    s.b = s.star * (n.items/n.observations)
    # set the status of whether the data are balanced between items
    if (length(unique(item.n)) > 1) {
        balanced.flag = FALSE
    } else {
        balanced.flag = TRUE
    U = (n.items * s.w)/(n.observations * (n.observations - n.items))
    U = U * (n.observations/n.items)  # this bit may be wrong - in so U agrees with previous code
    # this may be the correct one C = ((s.star) / (n.observations / n.items * (n.items - 1))) - (s.w / ((n.observations ^ 2 / n.items ^ 2) *
    # (n.observations - n.items)))
    # this one may also be wrong - in so U agrees with previous code C = (s.b / (n.items - 1)) - (s.w / ((n.observations^2 / n.items) -
    # n.items)) this (below) is correct by A&L2004 - thanks to Hanjing Zhang and Colin Aitken for this revision
    C = (s.b/(n.items - 1)) - (s.w/((n.observations^2/n.items) - n.observations))
    # return(new("compcovar", v.within = U, v.between = C, n.observations = n.observations, n.items = n.items, item.n = item.n, item.means = item.means, 
    #     n.vars = n.vars, overall.means = overall.means, multivariate = multivariate.flag, balanced = balanced.flag, s.within = s.w, s.between = s.b, 
    #     warn.type = warn.type))
    obj = list(v.within = U, 
               v.between = C, 
               n.observations = n.observations, 
               n.items = n.items, 
               item.n = item.n, 
               item.means = item.means, 
               n.vars = n.vars, 
               overall.means = overall.means, 
               multivariate = multivariate.flag, 
               balanced = balanced.flag, 
               s.within = s.w, 
               s.between = s.b, 
               warn.type = warn.type)
    class(obj) = "compvar"

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comparison documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:14 p.m.