
# ============================================================================ #
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#            \/            \/|__|       \/                  \/                 #
#                                                                              #
# ============================================================================ #
# Compboost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Compboost is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Compboost. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Written by:
# -----------
#   Daniel Schalk
#   Institut für Statistik
#   Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
#   Ludwigstraße 33
#   D-80539 München
#   https:#www.compstat.statistik.uni-muenchen.de
# =========================================================================== #

#' @title Get example C++ script to define a custom cpp logger
#' @description This function can be used to print the trace of the parameters
#'   of a trained compboost object.
#' @param example [\code{character(1)}] \cr
#'   Character value indicating if an example for the base-learner or for the
#'   loss should be returned. The values, for example, has to be one of 
#'   \code{blearner} or \code{loss}.
#' @param silent [\code{logical(1)}] \cr
#'   Logical value indicating if the example code should be printed to the
#'   screen. 
#' @return 
#'   This function returns a string which can be compiled using
#'   \code{Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = getCustomCppExample)} to define a new 
#'   custom cpp logger.
#' @export
getCustomCppExample = function (example = "blearner", silent = FALSE)
  if (! example %in% c("blearner", "loss")) {
    warning("'example' has to be 'blearner' or 'loss'. Setting example to 'blearner'.")
    example = "blearner"
  code.blearner = "
  // Example for a linear baselearner:
  // ---------------------------------
  // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
  #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
  typedef arma::mat (*instantiateDataFunPtr) (const arma::mat& X);
  typedef arma::mat (*trainFunPtr) (const arma::vec& y, const arma::mat& X);
  typedef arma::mat (*predictFunPtr) (const arma::mat& newdata, const arma::mat& parameter);
  // instantiateDataFun:
  // -------------------
  arma::mat instantiateDataFun (const arma::mat& X)
  return X;
  // trainFun:
  // -------------------
  arma::mat trainFun (const arma::vec& y, const arma::mat& X)
  return arma::solve(X, y);
  // predictFun:
  // -------------------
  arma::mat predictFun (const arma::mat& newdata, const arma::mat& parameter)
  return newdata * parameter;
  // Setter function:
  // ------------------
  // Now here we wrap the function to an XPtr. This one stores the pointer
  // to the function and can be used as parameter for the BaselearnerCustomCppFactory.
  // Note that we don't have to export the upper functions since we are just
  // interested in the pointer of the functions.
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<instantiateDataFunPtr> dataFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<instantiateDataFunPtr> (new instantiateDataFunPtr (&instantiateDataFun));
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<trainFunPtr> trainFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<trainFunPtr> (new trainFunPtr (&trainFun));
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<predictFunPtr> predictFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<predictFunPtr> (new predictFunPtr (&predictFun));
  code.loss = "
  // Example for a quadratic loss:
  // -----------------------------  
  // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
  #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
  typedef arma::vec (*lossFunPtr) (const arma::vec& true_value, const arma::vec& prediction);
  typedef arma::vec (*gradFunPtr) (const arma::vec& true_value, const arma::vec& prediction);
  typedef double (*constInitFunPtr) (const arma::vec& true_value);
  // Loss function:
  // -------------------
  arma::vec lossFun (const arma::vec& true_value, const arma::vec& prediction)
  return arma::pow(true_value - prediction, 2) / 2;
  // Gradient:
  // -------------------
  arma::vec gradFun (const arma::vec& true_value, const arma::vec& prediction)
  return prediction - true_value;
  // Constant Initializer:
  // -----------------------
  double constInitFun (const arma::vec& true_value)
  return arma::mean(true_value);
  // Setter function:
  // ------------------
  // Now wrap the function to an XPtr. This one stores the pointer
  // to the function and can be used as parameter for the BaselearnerCustomCppFactory.
  // Note that it isn't necessary to export the upper functions since we are
  // interested in exporting the pointer not the function.
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<lossFunPtr> lossFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<lossFunPtr> (new lossFunPtr (&lossFun));
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<gradFunPtr> gradFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<gradFunPtr> (new gradFunPtr (&gradFun));
  // [[Rcpp::export]]
  Rcpp::XPtr<constInitFunPtr> constInitFunSetter ()
  return Rcpp::XPtr<constInitFunPtr> (new constInitFunPtr (&constInitFun));
  if (example == "blearner") {
    code = code.blearner
  if (example == "loss") {
    code = code.loss
  if (! silent) {
  return (invisible(code))

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compboost documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m.