
Defines functions rate_keener rank_keener force_nonneg skew_keener normalize_keener

Documented in normalize_keener rank_keener rate_keener skew_keener

#' Keener method
#' Functions to compute [rating][rating-ranking] and [ranking][rating-ranking]
#' using Keener method.
#' @inheritParams rate_massey
#' @param ... Head-to-Head expression (see [h2h_mat()][comperes::h2h_mat()]).
#' @param fill A single value to use instead of NA for missing pairs.
#' @param force_nonneg_h2h Whether to force nonnegative values in Head-to-Head
#'   matrix.
#' @param skew_fun Skew function.
#' @param normalize_fun Normalization function.
#' @param eps Coefficient for forcing irreducibility.
#' @inheritParams rank_massey
#' @param x Argument for `skew_keener()`.
#' @param mat Argument for `normalize_keener()`.
#' @details Keener rating method is based on Head-to-Head matrix of the
#' competition results. Therefore it can be used for competitions with
#' variable number of players. Its algorithm is as follows:
#' 1. Compute Head-to-Head matrix of competition results based on Head-to-Head
#' expression supplied in `...` (see [h2h_mat()][comperes::h2h_mat()] for
#' technical details and section __Design of Head-to-Head values__ for design
#' details). Head-to-Head values are computed based only on the games between
#' players of interest (see Players). Ensure that there are no `NA`s by using
#' `fill` argument. If `force_nonneg_h2h` is `TRUE` then the minimum value is
#' subtracted (in case some Head-to-Head value is strictly negative).
#' 1. Update raw Head-to-Head values (denoted as S) with the pair-normalization:
#' a_{ij} = (S_ij + 1) / (S_ij + S_ji + 2). This step should make comparing
#' different players more reasonable.
#' 1. Skew Head-to-Head values with applying `skew_fun` to them. `skew_fun`
#' should take numeric vector as only argument. It should return skewed vector.
#' The default skew function is `skew_keener()`. This step should make abnormal
#' results not very abnormal. To omit this step supply `skew_fun = NULL`.
#' 1. Normalize Head-to-Head values with `normalize_fun` using `cr_data`.
#' `normalize_fun` should take Head-to-Head matrix as the first argument and
#' `cr_data` as second. It should return normalized matrix. The default
#' normalization is `normalize_keener()` which divides Head-to-Head value of
#' 'player1'-'player2' matchup divided by the number of games played by
#' 'player1' (error is thrown if there are no games). This step should take into
#' account possibly not equal number of games played by players. To omit this
#' step supply `normalize_keener = NULL`.
#' 1. Add small value to Head-to-Head matrix to ensure its irreducibility. If
#' all values are strictly positive then this step is omitted. In other case
#' small value is computed as the smallest non-zero Head-to-Head value
#' multiplied by `eps`. This step is done to ensure applicability of
#' Perron-Frobenius theorem.
#' 1. Compute Perron-Frobenius vector of the resultant matrix, i.e. the strictly
#' positive real eigenvector (which values sum to 1) for eigenvalue (which is
#' real) of the maximum absolute value. This vector is Keener rating vector.
#' If using `normalize_keener()` in normalization step, ensure to analyze
#' players which actually played games (as division by a number of played games
#' is made). If some player didn't play any game, en error is thrown.
#' @section Design of Head-to-Head values:
#' Head-to-Head values in these functions are assumed to follow the property
#' which can be _equivalently_ described in two ways:
#' - In terms of [matrix format][comperes::h2h_mat()]: **the more Head-to-Head
#' value in row _i_ and column _j_ the better player from row _i_ performed than
#' player from column _j_**.
#' - In terms of [long format][comperes::h2h_long()]: **the more Head-to-Head
#' value the better player1 performed than player2**.
#' This design is chosen because in most competitions the goal is to score
#' __more points__ and not less. Also it allows for more smooth use of
#' [h2h_funs][comperes::h2h_funs] from `comperes` package.
#' @inheritSection massey Players
#' @return `rate_keener()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble] with columns
#' `player` (player identifier) and `rating_keener` (Keener
#' [rating][rating-ranking]). Sum of all ratings should be equal to 1. __Bigger
#' value indicates better player performance__.
#' `rank_keener()` returns a `tibble` with columns `player`, `rating_keener` (if
#' `keep_rating = TRUE`) and `ranking_keener` (Keener [ranking][rating-ranking]
#' computed with [round_rank()]).
#' `skew_keener()` returns skewed vector of the same length as `x`.
#' `normalize_keener()` returns normalized matrix with the same dimensions as
#' `mat`.
#' @references James P. Keener (1993) *The Perron-Frobenius theorem and the
#'   ranking of football teams*. SIAM Review, 35(1):80–93, 1993.
#' @examples
#' rate_keener(ncaa2005, sum(score1))
#' rank_keener(ncaa2005, sum(score1))
#' rank_keener(ncaa2005, sum(score1), keep_rating = TRUE)
#' # Impact of skewing
#' rate_keener(ncaa2005, sum(score1), skew_fun = NULL)
#' # Impact of normalization.
#' rate_keener(ncaa2005[-(1:2), ], sum(score1))
#' rate_keener(ncaa2005[-(1:2), ], sum(score1), normalize_fun = NULL)
#' @name keener

#' @rdname keener
#' @export
rate_keener <- function(cr_data, ..., fill = 0,
                        force_nonneg_h2h = TRUE,
                        skew_fun = skew_keener,
                        normalize_fun = normalize_keener,
                        eps = 0.001) {

  cr <- as_longcr(cr_data, repair = TRUE)
  # Compute symmetrical Head-to-Head matrix
  mat <- cr %>%
    h2h_mat(..., fill = fill) %>%
    force_nonneg(force = force_nonneg_h2h)
  mat <- (mat + 1) / (mat + t(mat) + 2)

  # Skew
  if (!is.null(skew_fun)) {
    mat[, ] <- skew_fun(mat[, ])

  # Normalize
  if (!is.null(normalize_fun)) {
    mat <- normalize_fun(mat, cr_data)

  # Force irreducibility
  is_min_h2h_zero <- isTRUE(all.equal(min(mat), 0))
  min_non_zero_h2h <- min(mat[mat > 0])
  mat <- mat + eps * as.integer(is_min_h2h_zero) * min_non_zero_h2h

  # Compute Perron-Frobenius vector
  res_vec <- get_pf_vec(mat)
  names(res_vec) <- rownames(mat)

  enframe_vec(res_vec, unique_levels(cr$player), "player", "rating_keener")

#' @rdname keener
#' @export
rank_keener <- function(cr_data, ..., fill = 0,
                        force_nonneg_h2h = TRUE,
                        skew_fun = skew_keener,
                        normalize_fun = normalize_keener,
                        eps = 0.001,
                        keep_rating = FALSE,
                        ties = c("average", "first", "last",
                                 "random", "max", "min"),
                        round_digits = 7) {
      cr_data = cr_data, ..., fill = fill,
      force_nonneg_h2h = force_nonneg_h2h,
      skew_fun = skew_fun,
      normalize_fun = normalize_fun,
      eps = eps
    "rating_keener", "ranking_keener",
    keep_rating = keep_rating, type = "desc",
    ties = ties, round_digits = round_digits

force_nonneg <- function(x, force = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(force)) {
    x <- x - min(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), 0)


#' @rdname keener
#' @export
skew_keener <- function(x) {
  (1 + sign(x - 0.5) * sqrt(abs(2*x - 1))) / 2

#' @rdname keener
#' @export
normalize_keener <- function(mat, cr_data) {
  player_num_games <- cr_data %>%
    as_longcr(repair = TRUE) %>%
    h2h_mat(!!h2h_funs[["num"]], fill = 0) %>%

  is_zero_games <- dplyr::near(player_num_games, 0)
  if (any(is_zero_games)) {
    stop("normalize_keener. These players didn't play any game:\n  ",
         paste0(names(player_num_games)[is_zero_games], collapse = ", "),
         "\nMake sure to analyze only players which played some game.",
         call. = FALSE)

  mat / player_num_games

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comperank documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:04 p.m.