
Analyzing head-to-head competitive interaction data

Author: James P. Curley,

Contributions: Jiayi Fu, Ke Shen & Ziheng Huang

Maintainer: James P. Curley

email: jc3181 AT columbia DOT edu


Even though this package is in development, if you do use it in published research please cite it as:

Curley, J.P. 2016, compete: Analyzing competitive interaction data: R package version 0.1


Published papers

This package was used in the following papers:

So, N. et al. 2015, A Social Network Approach Reveals Associations between Mouse Social Dominance and Brain Gene Expression, PLOS ONE

Curley JP, 2016, Temporal Pairwise-Correlation Analysis Provides Empirical Support for Attention Hierarchies in Mice, Biology Letters

Williamson C, Lee W & Curley JP, 2016, Temporal Dynamics of Social Hierarchy Formation and Maintenance in Male Mice., Animal Behaviour.

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compete documentation built on May 29, 2017, 1:39 p.m.