
isOverID <- function(supply, calcElast, inputData){

  provElast <- grepl('elasticity', calcElast)

  nMargins <- inputData[, grepl("Margins", colnames(inputData))]
  nMargins <- length(nMargins[!])

  if(supply == "Cournot" && ((provElast && nMargins > 0) || (!provElast && nMargins > 1))) {
    res <- paste(helpText(tags$b("Note:"), "Some model parameters are over-identified. The tables above may be helpful in assessing model fit."))
  } else if(supply != "Cournot" && ((provElast && nMargins > 1) || (!provElast && nMargins > 2))) {
    res <- paste(helpText(tags$b("Note:"), "Some model parameters are over-identified. The tables above may be helpful in assessing model fit."))
  } else {
    res <- paste(helpText(tags$b("Note:"), "Model parameters are just-identified. Inputted and fitted values should match."))


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competitiontoolbox documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:08 a.m.