Man pages for compound.Cox
Univariate Feature Selection and Compound Covariate for Predicting Survival

CG.ClaytonCopula-graphic estimator under the Clayton copula.
CG.FrankCopula-graphic estimator under the Frank copula.
CG.GumbelCopula-graphic estimator under the Gumbel copula.
CG.testTesting survival difference of two groups via the CG...
cindex.CVCross-validated c-index for measuring the predictive accuracy...
compound.Cox-packageUnivariate Feature Selection and Compound Covariate for...
compound.regCompound shrinkage estimation under the Cox model
dependCox.regUnivariate Cox regression under dependent censoring.
dependCox.reg.CVCox regression under dependent censoring.
LungSurvival data for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer.
PBCPrimary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver data
surv.factorialFactorial survival analysis under dependent censoring
uni.scoreUnivariate Cox score test
uni.selectionUnivariate feature selection based on univariate significance...
uni.WaldUnivariate Cox Wald test
X.pathwayGenerate a matrix of gene expressions in the presence of gene...
X.tagGenerate a matrix of gene expressions in the presence of tag...
compound.Cox documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:39 p.m.